3 (revised)

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After class, Denver was walking through the rather larger school hall with Grey and Leon.
Denver was a bit worried about what happened though she tried to forget about it, but the cat was spaced out while walking.

Denver(in mind): "what was up with that guy earlier? Why did he look at me that way?"

Grey: "buddy, are you alright?"

Denver finally snapped out of reality, Grey and Leon were confused. Denver just blinked a few times before shaking her head.

Denver: "uh-... Yeah! I am, I was thinking about that guy who was looking at me in a... not so friendly way."

Grey: "hmmm... you mean... Areon?"

Leon looked a Grey shocked

Leon: "wait, you know that guy?"

Caper: "yeah, he is a real bully to everyone! No pun intended..."

Leon: "oh, I guess I have to be careful around that bull."

Denver: "you're right, let's just go home..."

But when they said that, the familiar face appear, it was Areon! But looked aggressive and he was also with a spiny lizard and a Bengal fox Named Cicatrix (the spiny lizard) and Hiero (the Bengal fox)

Areon: "well, well, well, if it isn't the new student?"

Denver looked at confused but seriously

Denver: "what do you want, bovine?"

Areon: "you know what you did... and now it's time to battle."

That was all that the bull said before he and is other mischievous friends.

Cicatrix: "let's fight!"

Denver sighed and Leon just face palm in frustration

Denver: "come on, now? I just want to study and get this day over this!"

Hiero went closer to the cat and smirked

Hiero: "what's wrong, scared kitty?"

Denver growled while Grey and Leon were growing more concerned as her eyes started to become the same pink hue when she defeated all those corrupted assassinattack years ago.

Denver: "don't you EVER called me kitty!"

She spat in anger

Areon: "well then, prove that you're not as weak as a kittypet!"

Areon drew his arm back as energy formed around it, he was about to form a power punch


Denver noticed this and when Areon punched, the feline dodged the attack and quickly ran behind the bull and kicked him with mighty force which was enhanced with the rage-like energy powers she had. The tall anthro bull fell to the ground and groaned in pain, when he got back up, he growled in anger as he saw Denver smirking a bit, while Leon drew his sword out and Grey's showing his dagger.

Leon: "not so weak for a 'kitty' huh?"

Cicatrix then ran fast and drew his claws out in rage and was about to attack too.

Cicatrix: "you like sharp things, here I'll give you something sharp!"

The reptile lashed out with his claws but Grey blocked the attack with his sword but Cicatrix managed to trip him, Leon came in to help one of his new friend, he used his sword to scratch the reptile in the face causing a large scar to form. This gave Grey enough time to kick the lizard in the crotch to get him off of him.

Cicatrix: "gah!"

Denver helped her best friend get up

Denver: "Grey! Are you ok?!"

Grey: "yeah, don't worry about it!"

Hiero then came, he had plasma powers so he would be very dangerous.

Hiero: "have a taste of plasma!"

But when Hiero was about to attack, he felt a force on his shoulder. Denver and her friends with confused. It was a white kit fox with blue markings and had a black jacket on. His name was Whyte.

Hiero: "hey, let me go!"

Whyte: "dude, that's enough!"

Areon: "grrr... fine, retreat."

The three bullies than ran out of the building

Denver: "t-thank, who are you?"

Whyte: "my name is Whyte, I'm Hiero's younger brother, you must be New here, who are you?"

Denver: "I'm Denver and these are my friends Grey and Leon, it's nice to meet you, thanks for saving me back there!"

Whyte: "no problem, if you need help, just call me, you better get going though, the busses are leaving soon!"

Denver and Grey: "Let's go!"

Goldy notices Leon going out the door to go to the bus stop

Goldy: "Leon, I'm here!"

Leon: "oh, hey Goldy, how was class!"

"Goldy, it was alright I guess but what about you?"

Leon: "It was a long day, I'll talk about it when we get back home."

The bus had finally arrived and everyone went on the bus so they can go back home and reflect on what happened at school.


The sun was almost down, Leon and Goldy were almost to there home. Leon and Goldy quickly went to their addres so they can finally rest their legs. Soon they went into the house but the found... no one. They're parents were gone. They thought this was odd, the lights were all turned off, the only got reflected was the near sunset.

Leon: "mom, dad?"

Soon they saw a purple puddle on the kitchen floor. The two lions closer to see what the substance was.. It looked like... PHANTOM blood
Leon stood in shock and fear
Leon: "n-no, it can't be..."
Goldy noticed the TV was on, it was talking about the phantom creature population spreading and are doing terrible things and there they saw the dark void.

Leon: "it's getting worse... they taken our family, we have to stop this!"

So then Leon and Goldy went to go find answers to their major problems

And on that day, Leon wanted revenge on those evilmonster they all "phantoms"
The war of animals vs phantoms has began
After that day... Leon wanted revenge on the evil creatures for taking his family. He immediately called Denver on his home phone, Denver and Grey were at their dorm and that's when her smartphone rang.

Grey: "huh, who is that?"

Denver: "I Dunno but it could be important."

She picked up the phone and is was Leon calling, then she answered the phone but when she did, Leon sounded concerned in his voice, Denver knew something was wrong with his panicked tone.

Denver: "Leon, what's wrong?"

Leon: "M-my family, they're gone, you need to meet me here tomorrow morning, please call the police as soon as possible, and just incase bring your weapons with you or at least sore your power abilities for tomorrow, I'll text my address to you!"

Denver: "o-ok, I'll them as soon as I can, please be safe!"

They hung up after that

Grey: "who was that?"

Denver: "That was Leon, we need to wake up and go meet him first thing in the morning, we need to investigate something!"

Grey: "o-oh!"

Denver: "I'm calling the police now!"


this is us now... it takes a large group of fighters to survive and stop this apocalypse, because we are the warriors of the world, we are heroes, we are... DESTINY BEASTS!

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