2 (revised)

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A large shadow loomed over the world and giggled in a sinister way. Then a large void opened and millions of mysterious dark creatures came down on all the continents, lands, seas, and even space.. As more and more of these mysterious creatures appeared and attacked others, so then starts the second part of the supposed war...
It was day time. It was probably in the morning because the sun was almost all the way risen. An anthro female field mouse was walking through a field and had a basket in her hand. She was picking up several flowers and seeds off the grass, she was humming a little tune. Everything seemed to be OK. Until... a shadow started to loom behind her, she didn't even notice until she heard a small growl. The young mouse slowly turned her head to see something horrifying! It was a large black reptilian like monster, it had red glowing eyes and razor sharp teeth and claws. The mouse was terrified and scared, she wanted to run away, but she couldn't. She was too scared. It was finally she realized it was a phantom! (Or phantom creature)
The mouse screamed as the monster leaped. She was waiting for pain but she didn't feel anything or any force. She slowly opened her eyes. To see the phantom lying on the floor, she also noticed someone. It was a lion with a short mane, blue cape, and a sword. The lion turned his head to the mouse, she was in shock as she didn't know who he was.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you!" The lion said as he turned back to the phantom who was trying to get back up. A bit of purple blood flowed from the phantom's cheek and it angrily growled then tried to attack the lion but he was much quicker than the monster.

The phantom tried several times to slash at him, but the fearless lion luckily dodged all of its attacks then used his sword to swiftly cut the monster in half, purple blood splattered on the grass and the lion tried not to step on any of it. The phantom fell to the ground as it faded away and disappeared. The phantom creature was finally gone, all the blood disappeared too.

The mouse was amazed by this and she thanked the lion lots of time.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!!! How can I ever repay you?" She said.

The lion then spoke "you don't need to, it's my job to protect others in danger. By the way, my name is Leon Lionhart or just Leon for short, what's yours?"

The mouse stuttered but spoke "M-my name is... Petra."

"Well, nice to meet you! You have to be really careful about these creatures, they can appear anywhere!" Leon said

"S-sorry, I didn't know..." Petra said as she felt guilty.

"No, it's fine. I have to go to get education, if you need any help just call me!" Leon said before walking off

Petra looked on and nodded as she then went to somewhere more safe.
Leon was walking through the halls of the school and it was also a fighting academy (it was called: Creatures of Education.)

Back with Denver

Denver was a bit nervous at first, as she walked through the hallways and into the her homeroom, she looked around, the teacher wasn't there yet, she only sees students there until he saw Two familiar faces. It was Grey her best friend and a new friend she made with recently, Sequoia!

Grey notices her and waves.
Grey: "Denver, here! I saved a seat for you!"
The cat then immediately goes to sit there.
Grey: "how is this whole training stuff going?"
Denver: "it's good, but I want to know more about being a warrior and become a better fighter. I really want see what's outside of this world and fight mean people!"

Grey then chuckled "Heh, Don't get too worked up buddy, it's only our first week at a new academy."

Leon then exclaimed "Heh, fine!"

Sequoia just rolled her eyes and looked at the board. Denver notices a lion talking to his other friends, one was a goat named Caper and another was likely his sister named Goldy, the male lion noticed and looked back at Denver, they looked at each other for a bit before the waved at each other in a friendly but shy matter.

Leon: "hi, how are you?"

Denver: "I'm good, what's your name?"

Leon: "I'm Leon, what's yours?"

Denver: "oh, I'm Denver!"

Leon: "well, it's nice to meet you Denver!"

Denver: you too!"

The two chatted for a bit before pay attention to the board again
Leon the felt his nose get itchy, he then sneezed and one of the papers that were in front of him flew away and it one of the students it was an anthro bull, Suddenly the bull named Areon who gave Leon a glare, but it looked very mean and threatening. Leon was a bit scared by this before Areon turned his head back around, he was talking to a Bengal fox and a spiny lizard.

Denver and Leon tried to ignore that weird moment and suddenly heard the door open, the teacher was here, what a relief. The teacher was a fallow deer and was male.

Ms.Leafbuck: "good morning students!"
And the students then said good morning back.

Ms. Leafbuck: "we will be learning about self defense against others who are trying to attack you."

Denver was ready to take notes, she was ready for anything.

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