Chapter 6

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I listened to Still Into You by Paramore on repeat while writing this one. Sorry for the irregular updates lol


Lou steered clear of their table for the whole night. It was a busy night and Lou never ran out of things to keep herself occupied and excuses that she gave to herself for being such a coward. As much as she wanted to keep her cool and pretended that her presence didn't bother her at all, Lou kept found herself subconciously drifting toward Debbie, only to turn back and found something to do somewhere else, as long as it was as far away as possible from her temptation.

"God, she looks even more beautiful tonight," Lou murmured to herself. "Should I just stop by and say hi? Ugh, but it would be so embarrassing if she just came to get back at me for ghosting her."

Lou stopped herself from spiraling further, took a deep breath and exhaled. She would not act like a teenager tonight. This is not you, she scolded herself. Lou never got all worked up about a woman. Not even for a woman as gorgeous as Debbie. With that thought, Lou couldn't resist to sneak another glance at her. Her eyes found Debbie's, all the way from across the room and it made her stomach do a funny flip. Cursing under her breath, Lou steered away once again. She couldn't figure out what it was about this woman that made her felt all weird inside.

The night had never felt this long. It stretched out on and on. Her hands were busy making drinks, cleaning tables and taking orders. Her eyes kept darting back to Debbie and her stomach never failed to act out everytime she saw her. Lou couldn't help to notice the little things she had missed before. How Debbie sometimes threw her head back when she laughed. The deep lines on her cheeks when she smiled. How she often touched Sara's arm when she talked. Those little things that drove her a little crazier for not being able to directly approach her.

Of course Sara made the night even worse. That crazy friend of hers kept shooting obvious stares at her, beckoning Lou to her table. She didn't even try to make it less noticeable to the woman in front of her. How embarrassing, Lou thought with a shake of her head. She kept ignoring Sara, until her friend came toward her.

"Dude," Lou hissed, whie she grabbed her by her arm. "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" Sara hissed back, shook her arm off Lou's grip. "No, what is wrong with you? I have dragged this woman to this bar, giving you another chance and you totally blew it off."

"What are you talking about? I never asked you to embarrass me in front of her."

"Oh, hell no. You embarrassed yourself." Sara poked at Lou's chest, pushing her aback. "I've spent the whole night talking with her and she's awesome. She's pretty, not crazy and such a cool person in general. You're missing out on a great one with her. I don't know what is going on with you, but I am done playing matchmaker. I'm going home."

Sara slapped her money on the table and headed to the exit. She turned halfway and pointed at Debbie, while mouthing, 'don't be stupid'. Lou replied by flipping her middle finger, which Sara didn't get to see as she already turned her back at Lou. Lou watched Sara waved her goodbye at Debbie and expected her to follow Sara out of the bar. But she didn't. She stayed. What the fuck.


It was near closing time when Lou finally approached Debbie. She already clocked out and ready to go home. Debbie only smiled when she noticed Lou standing close by.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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