Chapter 4

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The kiss was too short. And landed in the wrong spot, much to Debbie's dismay. She was unable to form coherent words after the fleeting, yet earth-shaking kiss. Only when she realized that Lou was starting to walk away, she sobered up enough to call after her.

"Hey," she shouted at the annoying, cocky woman.

"What?" Lou shouted back.


Debbie didn't know what she should say now. All she knew that she didn't want Lou to leave yet. Not when she barely knew her or when she would see her again. She was afraid that this would end soon after the night disappeared and tomorrow Lou would forget all about her. This was not something she should let get away. Her instinct somehow knew that there was something here. Whatever it was.

"When do I get to see you again?" She finally mustered enough courage to reply.

Lou stopped walking, with an amused look and her trademark smug grin. That grin which Debbie would love to slap out of her face. Or not.

"I thought you found me so annoying, you do not want to see me again?"

Realizing that they were still shouting and soon her neighbors would hear their conversation, Debbie went to Lou. Lou met her halfway. They were standing eye to eye again. Only then Debbie realized how blue was Lou's eyes. Just like a summer's sky, she mused. They were warm but held promises of endless fun. So fitting for her.

"I did not say that," Debbie whispered.

"It was implied."

"Could you stop talking for a second and let me finish?"

"Of course I-"

Debbie lunged forward and captured Lou's lips with hers. Though startled, Lou's arms instinctively found their way to Debbie's hips. It wasn't a chaste kiss like the one Lou gave on Debbie's doorstep. It was pure fire, infused with blind passion. Debbie held Lou's cheeks possessively, finally taking the control now. Lou didn't doubt for a second who was the boss now. 

"That's how you say goodnight to a lady," Debbie said breathlessly, yet confidently.

"Okay," Lou replied meekly, still not recovering from their mind-blowing kiss.

"Give me your hand," Debbie demanded.

Lou obliged, holding out her hand. Debbie fetched a pen from her purse then proceeded to write something on Lou's outstretched arm. Lou only could watch her dumbfoundedly. After she finished, Debbie put back her pen then ordered Lou with a pointed look.

"That's my number. I expect you to call within three days. Good night."

Just like that, the suddenly fierce woman walked back to her home. Lou watched her slipped inside her home with a funny feeling in her stomach. She had never met a woman like this, who could completely catch her off-guard and turn her whole world upside down with one kiss. 

"Oh, boy," Lou whispered before she turned and walked to her apartment.


"You look like you're high," Sara commented from her spot in front of the TV.


"I thought you're off drugs for good," Sara tsked, getting up from her seat to inspect Lou closely.

"What? No! I'm not high!" Lou objected, still looking distracted somehow.

"Huh," Sara examined Lou's face and decided that she was being honest. "Then what happened to you?"

A dreamy grin slipped into Lou's face before she could tamp it down, which didn't go unnoticed by Sara. She knew that grin, but she had never seen it on Lou's. Interesting, she thought.

"So, who's the girl? I want to write her a thank you letter for finally tamed you."

"What are you talking about?" Lou said in annoyance.

"Oh, please. I know that look. You like someone."

"No, I do not." Lou crossed her arms like a petulant child.

"Well, it's either that or you have a head concussion, judging from the stupid grin you have right now."

"For the record, a concussion doesn't make a person grin stupidly. It's only happened in cartoons, you dumbass."

"Whatever," Sara said with a roll of her eyes, "stop changing the topic."

"I don't know what are you talking about," Lou said stubbornly.

"Fine," Sara threw her hands up dramatically, then went back to her seat.

Lou thought she was off the hook, which was a rare occurrence with Sara. She decided that maybe tonight was her lucky night and took her victory to her room. Before she was able to shut the door behind her, Sara spoke loud enough for her to hear.

"If you didn't want to tell me, fine by me. I will come to your bar every night until I found out this person. When I finally did, you can bet that nothing would save your sorry ass from the embarrassment of a lifetime."

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