Chapter 3

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It felt like there was a long silence after Lou uttered that killer pick-up line. Both Danny and Debbie froze, leaving Lou, watching the two siblings with an obvious amusement in her crooked grin. Danny's moved rapidly between Debbie and Lou, unsure whether he should reply Lou's remark with another teasing or leaving the response onto his little sister's hand. He was sure that Debbie would kill him if he ruined the moment now. Debbie looked like a deer caught in a headlight, complete with a gaping mouth and wide eyes. It was a rather unflattering look, honestly. He hoped that Lou would still found his sister attractive after that.

"Uh," Danny cleared his throat, "I guess this is my cue to leave. Good night, girls."

Debbie suddenly got out of her stupor and gave her brother a glare, mouthing, 'No, don't you dare to leave me now!' Danny just winked and gave a brief kiss to Debbie's cheek. He nodded at Lou then sauntered to the bar to settle their tab. Debbie shifted uncomfortably as now she was left alone with Lou. Gosh, what should she say to that?

"So, that was fun," Lou quipped, taking a gulp of her beer.

"Ha, ha. Maybe it was, for you."

"Was that not fun for you?" Lou took a step toward the attractive woman before her, tilting her head slightly like a cute, curious puppy.

"It was," Debbie felt like she had lost the ability to think when Lou was this close, "more confusing that it was fun."

"Yeah? And why is that?" Lou now was sporting a dreamy smile, as she was enjoying how cute this woman was when she was nervous.

"Because I really wished that what you just said was true and not only teasing."

Wide-eyed, Debbie pressed her lips tight. She was not supposed to say that out loud. Geez, what was it with this woman? She seemed to short-circuit the speech control part of her brain. Maybe she needed to count to five before saying anything at all. Thought it would probably make her seemed high. 

"So," Lou leaned even closer, "if what I said was true, then wouldn't it make this just pure fun? Without the confusing part?"

One. Two. Three. Four.

"Deb? Are you okay?"

Lou watched Debbie, whose eyes suddenly glazed over, with concern. She touched the enthralling, yet a tad bizarre woman on the arm lightly, demanding her focus back onto her. If this happened with someone else, Lou would disappear in a second, but somehow Debbie even could make this spaced out thing to look adorable.

"No, I'm fine," Debbie shook her head, then let out a heavy sigh. "I'm just usually more composed than this."

"Well, I'm not complaining." Lou held up her hands, grinning widely. "I found it really cute."

"Can you stop flirting for a sec?" Debbie sighed, then started to head out of the bar.

"Why? You don't like it?" Lou jogged after her, sticking to Debbie's side.

"No, just the opposite. But I'd like to function like a normal person for a change and you made it damn near impossible."

They were out of the bar now. Debbie kept a swift pace, but Lou's long legs kept her ahead of Debbie. Lou walked backward, with her hands in her pocket and a cocky grin on her lips. She kept teasing Debbie, who was having a hard time to keep the smile out of her face. Neither of them had a specific destination in mind, but they kept walking and talking.

"So you're working as a bartender there?"

"Four nights in a week, a mechanic by day." Lou nodded.

"Mechanic? That's interesting."

"Well, I have this obsession with fast, sweet rides."

"It's amazing how everything out of your mouth comes out as a double entendre," Debbie rolled her eyes.

"Not my fault," Lou smirked, nudging Debbie's shoulder with hers. "It's all of your own doing."

"You don't have to look so smug about it, you know?"

"Why not?" Lou quipped, oh-so-innocently. "I like having this effect on you."

"The only effect you have is an extreme annoyance."

"I beg to differ."

They kept the playful banter until they found themselves in front of Debbie's doorstep. Unsure of what she should do next, Lou watched Debbie fetching her keys from her purse. She kept it in her hand, delaying the end of their night together. It is a good sign, Lou noted in delight. Instead of unlocking the door, Debbie gave Lou an unsure look. 

Lou stepped closer while keeping their eye contact. Debbie held her breath, with her mind screaming, 'is she going to kiss me?' She wasn't sure she would mind if she did. Lou took another step, barging into Debbie's personal space. Debbie could smell her musky perfume now. Lou was leaning toward her, bending slightly to bring her lips to Debbie's level. Debbie's eyes went wide, but she didn't move. Either she couldn't or wouldn't, didn't really matter.

"Thank you for this wonderful night," she whispered, kissing Debbie's cheek lightly.

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