I am a trouble magnet (read the A/N very important)

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I awoke the next morning and found an empty bed. Oh well I get up and get ready. I grab my shorts and t-shirt on. I grab my iPod and head phones and head out to jog.

As I am jogging I realize hey I am alone and in a very scary alley way. Oh don't you love how karma hates me. Well I will head back to my house cause you know I don't want some guy trying to mug me for all I know it could be a hippo in a mask but then the hippo is actually Freddy crooger.

     I am getting a little dramatic here. As I turned around there was that guy that tried kidnapping me omg someone help me....

  I tried to run but he hit me it the back of my head and black dot evaded my vision and I lost consciousness.

Xaviers pov....

We saw her start to jog off and we decided to watch some tv.

Later that day we had put that crazy phsyco of an enemy down in her basement we decided to go check on him. When we went down there he was no where in sight we all started to freak out.

We called her iPod.......no answer......called again and again till about the fifth time someone picked up.
Why hello Xavier are you looking for someone mwahahaha I have got her and I sure would like to get a taste of her blood oh or I could make her marry me oh or I could marry her then drink her blood and kill her....
You better not lay a finger on her where are you and I will allow you to kill me...
Oh so now you are giving up because you love her well I am at the secret warehouse that I own oh and don't bring anyone else she is dead.

With that he hangs up I will go there later tonight and I will save her even if that means my life I love her and I will save her But please let the gods be on my side.

Around midnight I left and I flew there yep forgot I was a fallen Angel didn't you...

Anyway I arrived about 15 minutes later.

I heard people talking....
Sir I don't think he is coming...

Bull!#$@! He will come and I Will love it when I get to rip his head off

Yes sir

The guy sighed and left I hurried and killed the guards and the people he had surrounded the area with.

I went through the door and she was tied to a chair still asleep thankfully.

So you did come for her...

Yes but you untie her and let her go before you kill me...

Oh no no no I want her to be awake so yeah

He dumps ice cold water over her head and she jolts awake and she starts freaking out her eyes land on me and I mouth to her that I have a plan. She nodded.

Now now now......

He swung a fist at me and I dodged it and hit his face and grabbed his face jerked it down and slammed it into my knee. Lilly somehow got out of the ropes and walked over to me.

I've got to go somewhere I know where it is mom is still alive ok be careful Xavier please... With that she kisses me and runs of her mom is still alive omfg he kidnapped her mom too this dude I'd dead.

While I was distracted he threw me across the room but I caught myself before I hit the wall. Then he ran towards me in his vampire speed I grabbed his neck and held him up by it and ripped it of I started a fire and burned his body to ash along with the guards. I flew to find Lilly I smelt her scent yes since I'm a fallen Angel I can recognize scents...

I fou d her in a room with her mom on her back. Her mom is asleep. I call Blake and

Damien to help. They are here in 5 minutes they take her mom back to the house. She runs up to me and jumps onto me wrapping her legs around my torso.

I missed you Xavier...so so much it hurt

I misses you to....are you ok he didn't hurt you did he. She shakes her head no.


Yeah what is it?

I love you......

I love you too....

She pulled back and kissed me...

I'm choosing you to marry if that's ok with you I mean if you want to.....if you don't want to I understand you ju-

I cut her off with another kiss...

Of course I want to let's get back to tour house ok


With that I leaped up and we were flying and she gripped onto me for dear life I thought my head was going to pop off...

We went home and went to bed.
The next day.....(Lillies pov)

Dad you want to see someone you having seen in awhile...

Sure but it depends if it is that one little boy you babysitter when we lived here I am going to kick your butt....

Nope and here she comes...

Mom walks out and dad runs up to her and hugs her and she kisses him full on in front off me...

Cough cough innocent eyes in here get a room you two... I say....

They look at me and bust out laughing...oh how much have I missed days like this then I felt arms wrap arou d my waste and I turn around and look at Xavier and he kisses me the other two boys come in.
Mom dad I've actually chosen who I want to marry....

They look at one another and start to speak...
Were guessing Xavier


  I say popping the p. With that they all clapped and the other two guys looked at me.
Congrats They say in unision.

Hey mom and dad?


Is It okay if all three of them live here because they are friends and I consider them family now and I think they would like it

Of course....

This was not the end for me and Xavier or the boys or my Mom or dad it was the beginning and I will truly be happy because I get to spend Internity with the ones that I love.....
The end....

Big round of applause for this gal and you know what I want to cry now that it is officially over I have watched Lilly grow up omg give me a box of tissues there will be an epilogue chapter so you know about there family but I will update that in a week or so and then this book is oficially over but you guys have stuck around even though I thought t suck at writing thank you I love you all and here is a quote to Lilly and Xavier marriage soon

I'm wierd, your wierd, let's get married
-Connor franta

So don't forget to follow like comment and I will see you in my other book or the next chapter of this book.....
I'm still sad that this book is ending after the epilogue well don't fret after I finish my other book I have got an even better book coming out with very long chapters and no I am not giving any sneak peeks unless I can get five votes we'll see ya❤

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