chapter 2 Am I hallucinating

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Ow!!!!you IDIOT!!!I heard someone say.

What the !#$@ i said.

I leaned over my bed and saw......

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Three men under my bed....I went to scream and to grab my baseball bat but without much luck my mouth was covered by a hand....oh dear God I'm dead this is the end.I wail trying to get away from the who ever the attackers were but didn't do much effect in fact it didn't do squat....I started to calm down and I just quit moving and became stiff as a board hahaha like that game off forever bond for friendship....hey this is no time to laugh at my thoughts I'm being kidnapped then suddenly I realized I remember the smell of the person and nostalgia came over me but also it came with a hint of naseua...which ment vomit uh oh.

Hue lan met bo low. I try to say you can let go now but I mumbled because of his hand.

He somehow understood what I said and when he did he backed away I could tell but I turned to look at the culprits faces possibly to see if I recognize them or to give the police descriptive evidence...

I don't recognize them and as sure I don't think they are real for they look like a mythical fairytale...Am I hallucinating???

Ummmm.....h-hello....I stutter because of the sudden incidents...

Yeah hi the one with black hair says.....

Hello miss.....The one with the brunette said.....

Hey....This one is a blonde with blue eye's wearing glasses.....

Ummmmm I will be right back....I'm going to The restroom.....I said and I pass by them making my way towards the door not to my bathroom but I'm going the one down the hall but then the one with black hair wraps one arm around my waist...

I start to twist and turn and kick......I screamed but to my notice my dad is a very heavy sleeper.....

Calm down we are not going to hurt you....

Yeah we promise....

They said I started to calm down then they let go of me and then I ran and locked myself in my closet.....
You sure are an IDIOT the voice in my head said.
Hey we said we weren't going to hurt you.....we don't bite well I speak for only two of us.....

I do not trust guys just randomly come out from under my bed says a lot of things....I replied.

What can we say we lived here for over hundreds of of them says.

Y-you are the one's at night when I was little i-I used to talk too!!!!????I did not reconize them there were three strange men under my bed ever since I was 3..... I still remember that day like yesterday I met them.....

Hey guys it's me author well next chapter is going to be a flash back and then someone very important will show up but it's up too you guys to guess who because of course it was never mentioned mwahahaha evilness......ok ok back to the author in me see ya later guys....

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