Chapter 10 - Chapter

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"Why do I only update this every few months..." Walnut saids.

"Who are you talking to PEALSE" Tiso cries.

"Hey Tiso did you notice how we skipped chapter 9?"


"mmmmmm. Fucked up." Walnut says.

They then both turn arounda nd they see JOSHUA!!!!

"holy SHIT IT'S JOSHUA" Says Walnut.


"I'm Joushua," Joshua.

(A/N: Avengers Infinity War is fucking jealous of my crossovers.)

"Hey Joshua, can you help me find my friends so we can defeat [VILLIAN PENDING]?" Walnut asks.

"Sure," Joshua says. His hair is black (like his soul(?))

Suddenly, everyone appears!

"Hello" says Quirrel.

"Hi Quirrel" Says Tiso.

"Hi me," says Walnut.

"Wh" says Walnut2.


"I can't follow the events that are transpiring around me anymore." Walnut2 cries. "My Life is an eternal, inescapable hell."

"Ok," says the real walnut to the IMPOSTER (a mongoose reference??????????)

"now what do we do" says Grimm the tax evader, who is also her.

Walnut checks their watch. "oh fuck we have like 2 minutes until everyon  dies again"

"What" says everyone.

"Yeah," says Walnut. He then pulls out an rpg.

"Let's go kill [VILLIAN PENDING] so we can finally end this horrible, horrible story." Walnut says.

(A/N: Please dear god.)


A/N: heey guys!! sorry for the long break between chapters, I've been busy with school. And I was listening to weldcome to the black parade nightcore on loop for 132 hours.

Thanks to my sister Sandy, who is totally real and NOT fake and she helped me write this chapter


A/N: I just got possessed again. Who tf is Sandy?? THE SQUIRREL?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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