Chapter 6

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I walked down the street, thinking to myself. How can I make the police believe that Waluigi was the criminal who killed that stranger? I mean, he is a recently escape convict with a grudge against the people in the restaurant....

"Walnut... Can I tell you something?" 

I turn and look at Walnut2. What would Walnut2 want to tell me?

"Uh, ok, go ahead." I say.

"I feel like I'm the third wheel... but there's four people here. That's just... how out of place I feel."

"Oh darling, you're not a third wheel," Butters cut in.

"You really think so?" Walnut2 responded hopefully.

"Yep, because you're a fifth wheel! The rat's here too!"

Walnut2 looked away from Butters, trying to ignore them. I wouldn't blame her, Butters recently destroyed Christmas. She looked back to me, then continued in a whisper.

"I just feel like I'm in a intentionally poorly written wattpad fanfic but reused from a different poorly written wattpad fanfic."

"Oh? What makes you say so?" I asked.

"I give up." She said, clearly upset.

"Wait, no-"

But I was too late as Walnut2 fell behind the group. I sighed. Maybe I was a little too rough on her...

"Butters, don't you think you were too mean to Walnut2?" I inquired.

"I mean, I'm like this with everyone so I mean. Go off I guess."

I do not like Butters. I stepped away, walking alone. 

I feel really bad but it would also be awkward to just... walk up to her and... tell her how I feel, I guess.


Authors note:

sorry for the break inbetween chapters, I forgot this.

Happy new years! It's not new years by the time I post this but it's close enough.

What will the gays(tm) do? find out on the next episode of dragon ball g. 

(g stands for gay)

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