Chapter 5

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I walk outside, Walnut2, Butters and Tiso following me.

"I hate everything." I say.

"Me too," Says Walnut2. That's ironic. h

I hear a voice in the sewers.

"is that sound in the sewers a rat" tiso says in pure rage.

"wow I thought we were friends" says the sewer rat.

"GRIMM!!!!!!" I yel and crouch near the sewers.

"It's been a long time," says Grimm.

"Yeah. You got cancelled on twitter."

"I what."

"Everyone decided to cancel you for not paying your taxes, but they didn't know your name so they called you clown."


"Maybe if you stanned loona you wouldn't be in this mess." Butters said this.

"Are.... you satan? I ask.

"I've met Satan and I think Butters is worse," Tiso said.

"Good to know," I reply.

"I gotta go, I'm running from the rat police." Grimm says.

"Tell them I said hi," Feral baby says.

"Oh yeah my feral baby says hi"

"Oh hi :)" I say.

"ok bye" grimm says and he ran away through the servers.

"What a nice guy," Walnut2 said, smiling. "Shame he got cancelled.

"Yeah, shame."

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