Letter 1

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Dear Sasuke 

Im going to get straight to the point, I think I like you. No...Like isn't a strong enough word to explain what I feel I love you Sasuke Uchiha. I know im not the only one who's told you this but Im not like them. I don't love you for your looks, I mean yeah your looks are a big plus but that's not all. I love the way you always speak the truth even if it hurts others. People may see it as a flaw but I admire that you can say things no one else can. I also love how your a jerk on the outside but when you become close to someone your assholish (is that even a word) side leaves and you become a kind,funny,asshole. I will probably be sending you letters everyday and just hope you read them. If you don't,well, just getting my feeling off my chest is nice enough. Also I don't expect you to return my feelings like I said..well wrote, just letting the feelings I've kept hidden is good for me. Goodbye for now, happy monday"

From your secret admirer <3

*September 4 2018*

I smiled to myself as i folded the letter and stuffed it into my backpack. 

For once i finally gotten complemented on something other than my looks. 

I cant say im into this person because we haven't even met but their letter gave me butterflies. 

For once i was pleased with a confession, It made my day.

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