Ch19 - You Guys Heard That Just Now, Right?

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The long hallway was eerily empty. Music floated out from the dance practise rooms behind him, somehow making the hallway seem even quieter.

The girl wearing the school uniform hovered in the corridor, stopping from time to time to stare in a trance at the trainees inside the practise rooms. She held a long rope in her hands, her face an abnormal, bruised colour.

"Wah, I love these abs..."

"Wow, the gege over here is also really handsome..."


She stared like this into the rooms, occasionally making a few comments.

When she felt someone looking at her, the girl slowly turned her head around, and her heart leapt for joy. "Aaaaaaa, male god!!!"

Ji Xiunian had debuted so many years ago that he was no stranger to forms of address such as 'gege', 'male god', and 'husband'. But with just a glance, he was quite certain this girl wasn't a program staff member or even human—

No normal person's tongue would hang out below their neck, swinging with each step.

When the girl saw Ji Xiunian, she unconsciously lowered her head to rearrange her skirt. She even raised a hand to tuck her hair behind her ears in an attempt to leave a good first impression on Ji Xiunian.

But Ji Xiunan had no intention of noticing these details. He steadied his breathing and continued to walk forward, his already cold and expressionless face becoming even more so.

"Oh my god, when male god doesn't smile it's so manly! I really like it!" The girl clasped her hands against her chest and stared starry-eyed at Ji Xiunian, who was walking closer and closer. She couldn't help but mutter to herself, "I almost forgot male god can't even see me. If I were still alive I could ask for an autograph..."

If I were still alive...

Ji Xiunian's gaze wavered slightly and eventually, he managed to move past her without looking.

"He walks so fast. As expected, long legs are amazing." As the girl chattered to herself, she floated behind Ji Xiunian. "Since male god can't see me, it shouldn't be a problem if I just touch him a little hehe..."


Ji Xiunian didn't know how to describe what he was feeling at the moment.

He could pretend he didn't hear the verbal harassment, but if she actually touched him, he wouldn't be able to ignore it.

Ji Xiunian's footsteps were vigorous and fast, and he went directly downstairs to Lu Xu's dormitory.

The moment he knocked on the door, Ji Xiunian regretted it. Lu Xu was already burdened with the four ghosts following him around. Adding the female ghost behind him would make it five; he didn't know what to do.

Just as he was wondering if he should first lure one away, the door opened.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lu Xu's head poked out, his face bewildered as he saw him standing there. "Nian ge, do you need something from me?"

"Lw? Jjc P mbwf lc ab ajix?" Al Wlecljc kjr jogjlv atf ofwjif utbra kbeiv mtjrf joafg tlw. Llr tjcv reymbcrmlberis qertfv bqfc Oe We'r vbbg.

"Yo mbegrf." Oe We wbnfv ab atf rlvf ab wjxf kjs, tlr tjio-ilvvfv fsfr tlvlcu atf rwlif ecvfgcfjat.

Dong. The door closed, shutting out everything on the other side of the door.

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