Ch22 - Hehe, I Fooled You

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"Fuck, he got A-rank!"

"Lu Xu is really too strong. Singing is good, dancing is good, he can do everything."

"I'm done for. A-rank's level is too strong, I have no hope left."

Lu Xu's performance had been too obvious, so when Ji Xiunian announced his ranking, no one was surprised.

Ji Xiunian congratulated Lu Xu. However, his gaze unconsciously never left the boy's side. After hearing that Lu Xu had received A-rank, those four weird fellows seemed to be more excited than the other people there.

"That's great, I just knew Master was an ace."

"Woooo, I'm so happy!"

"Eh, I suddenly feel so emotional? I really want to cry?"

"He Xinghua, that's enough, you overreact at happy situations."


The four ghosts chattered, seeming like they were very familiar with Lu Xu.

Did they know one another?

As Ji Xiunian thought about this, he couldn't help but look at Lu Xu to see his reaction.

When Lu Xu heard his rank, he just smiled, exuding a kind of self-confident charm. There were some trainees who cheered his name and congratulated him, but Lu Xu didn't even glance at the four things beside him.

So he didn't know about them?

Ji Xiunian's emotions were complicated. Right now he didn't know if he hoped that Lu Xu could see them or not.

The start of Lu Xu's performance to the announcement of his rank had only taken three minutes. Very quickly, it was the next contestant's turn.

As a mentor, Ji Xiunian had to compose his thoughts and focus on watching the next student's performance, temporarily putting Lu Xu to the back of his mind.

"Xu ge is so amazing!" Xu Lele was in one of the side sections, and couldn't help but wave excitedly when he saw Lu Xu, speaking in a very soft voice.

Lu Xu nodded lightly at him, and lifted his hand in a show of encouragement.

Many of the people present had not interacted much with Lu Xu beforehand, only having observed him from afar and thinking that he had very impressive looks. But seeing him smile at such a close distance, everyone noticed that the term 'good-looking' couldn't encompass him at all.

This was when they realised that some people were really favoured by god. Even if they were lowkey, their existence was still dazzling.

As the first A-rank member, Lu Xu wore a gentle smile as he went over to the A-rank seats, his manner quite good-natured.

The F4 followed closely behind him, unable to stop talking about how happy they were to have danced together with him just now.

"Master Lu Xu, I really haven't been that happy in such a long time," Probably because he had been very young when he died, He Xinghua's emotions were bubbling over. Debuting and going onstage had always been his dream, and the opportunity to dance hadn't come easily to him, so he was naturally very happy about this. However, he suddenly sighed. "I really hoped that people could see us perform. I really want to participate in another round of evaluations too."

He had just said that on a childlike whim, but had never expected Lu Xu to slightly move his lips and give a suggestion, "You can try it on Ji Xiunian later, you might be surprised."

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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