Ch29 - No. 1 in Online Popularity

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Ever since Ji Xiunian had first seen the F4, they always seemed to be following Lu Xu around, like a shadow.

Not only that, there were many occasions where Ji Xiunian felt like they were talking to Lu Xu. If it weren't for Lu Xu having no reaction, he would have thought that Lu Xu could see ghosts like him.

They hadn't had any interactions previously, so Ji Xiunian could only be curious, unable to ask them why.

However, now that he had found out that the four of them weren't malicious ghosts, and weren't even all that different from the normal trainees, Ji Xiunian thought that he should just ask them.

Why did they follow Lu Xu around...

The F4 looked at one another: What other reason is there, it's because he's our most respected master grim reaper.

But they only thought these words and didn't dare to casually say too much.

Master Lu Xu clearly joined the competition bearing the responsibility of the Grim Reaper Bureau and was probably even carrying out some important mission. If they leaked information here and something went wrong, who could bear the cost?

Tao Yingbo was the oldest and the most experienced. He gave his brothers a look and then casually replied, "Because Lu Xu is handsome."


"Ooh." He Xinghua regained his senses and immediately became a fanboy. "Amongst all the other trainees, Lu Xu is the most handsome. His dancing and singing are the best, we all really worship him!"

It was more than worship. If possible, Lu Xu would personally send them on their way.

"Is that so?" When Ji Xiunian heard this, he didn't know what was appropriate for him to say.

Speaking of it, Lu Xu certainly was the most handsome of all the trainees.

Just that ghosts chasing idols was really surprising, that was all.

But when he thought about it, these ghosts were already thinking of debuting, so it was normal for them to chase idols.

Ji Xiunian nodded in understanding, letting the matter go. Only he couldn't help but say, "You can be fans of him, but don't affect his life."

The F4 nodded their heads one after another. "Of course not."

Even if someone gave them a hundred pieces of courage, they still wouldn't dare.

After explaining this, Ji Xiunian turned around and went downstairs. He didn't look back again.

He Xinghua watched Ji Xiunian's retreating figure, and couldn't help but shake his head. "Looks like Ji Xiunian doesn't know Master Lu Xu's true identity eh."

"That's right, and takes quite good care of him."

It seemed that the master grim reaper was good at keeping his job confidential, and the Film Emperor was also a really good person.

"Let's go to the dance studio."

"There's only a few hours left till tomorrow morning. We can still work hard!"

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf M4 oibjafv atflg kjs yjmx jr atfs mtffgfv bcf jcbatfg bc, atflg fsfr oeii bo fcfgus.

"Tbe uesr jgf rb mbwqjrrlbcjaf. Dj Zfl lr ubcf jcv sbe vbc'a fnfc xcbk tbk ab ibbx obg la..." Coafg We Ljbwlcu tjv rtbkfgfv, tf tjvc'a rffc Dj Zfl lc atf gbbw jcv tjv jrxfv atf batfg vbgw wfwyfgr ktfgf atf yjys tjv ubcf.

Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center Positionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें