Battle of Fort Cypress

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I reread the note that arrived on an arrow shot from a distance three days ago. We tried to pursue the archer, but they fled immediately.

Before then, I'd resigned myself to the fact that my liege, Sei-heika, and his son, Aoi-sama, were both dead. According to this note, Aoi-sama is thankfully still alive. I had my suspicions that Kenji-sama was the cause, and this note confirms it.

Aoi-sama says that he will avenge his father. What is there to avenge when the death is natural?

I feel a spark of hope for the first time since Nobu arrived and told me that my emperor is dead, his heir is missing, and Kenji-sama wears the crown.

My first thought is to run to Aoi-sama's side and assist him. He's a fool for announcing his return and not staying hidden. Nobu has been running around like a madman, angrily screeching orders.

I would protect Aoi-sama. But to do so, I would have to rebel against my motherland.

If Aoi-sama fails and I'm supporting him, I have no doubt that the heartless faux emperor who murdered his own blood would not hesitate to retaliate.

Worse, he would go after my men and their families. I can't do that to them.

I'll wait and see. Aoi-sama has plans to attack somewhere, likely here since this was were he sent the message. I've already instructed my squadrons to stand down if such an attack does occur. Every single person lays down his or her weapon.

The young prince needs to prove he's strong enough before I place the lives of my men into his hands. If he's anything like his father, he will.

Nobu is infuriated by my proclamation. He questions my loyalty to Zoral, because I won't fight for the sake of the empire and it's expansion.

"My loyalty is with Zoral." I refute. "Not with Kenji-sama, not with Aoi-sama either."

"Show some respect! That's Kenji-heika to you!" Nobu's spittle flies in my face.

"Not to me." Not ever. He murdered my liege and threatened the life of his beloved son too.

"Are you chicken?" Nobu taunts.

"Certainly the sword squadron is more than enough. Think of the reward your precious emperor will give you." First I stroke his ego. Nobu's eyes light up with greed. Then I bruise his pride. "Or are you begging for my help because you can't do it yourself?"

"I'll tell everyone how weak you've become. Zoral has no place for a general who sits on his laurels and can't back it up. You're finished!" Nobu laughs.

I wonder what's truly best for Zoral. A horn blows. The scouts on the southern rampart have spotted something approaching. It appears to be a small contingent of men, around 60 strong.

Nobu's squadron prepares their swords, laughing and jostling around, not worried in the sightest. They're confident in their victory.

"I hope you live, foolish prince." I murmur.

*at the same time—in the southern field*
Reading about war in books is different from tromping through a field and stopping to watch 200 men file out of a fortress to fight you.

I'm not getting cold feet. In fact, I'd be grinning if I wasn't expressionless. My troops aren't nearly as exhilarated. Many look downright terrified.

Ningyō no Ohimesama (The Doll Princess)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz