March to Citadel

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*one year later*
With public opinion against him and surrounding kingdoms jumping behind Aoi-kun, Kenji is focusing his strength on protecting his arse. His remaining allies are concentrating in the capital city.

Kazuma tells us that Kenji has 20,000 soldiers, half of which are scattered around the front lines while half are cooped up in Citadel. 10,000 troops; Fort Cypress is less than an ant in comparison.

Between all of the knights from the fortresses, all the militias we've trained, and soldiers from the three kingdoms which chose to send personnel—Evander, Nalu, and Azov—we have roughly equal numbers.

Aoi-kun and I are now on equal footing for this war, which has always been an uphill struggle.

Zoral is such a big empire that the march to Citadel, including preparation time and travel with all of the troops, will take at least a year. But after four years of bloodshed, the end is finally in sight.

It's a huge operation. Packing and gathering gear and supplies, especially food, which is now plentiful because of Clarines and our other allies.

I continue with my spartan training regimen, now harder than ever. This is by far going to be the largest scale attack of the war and we're already at a disadvantage, because it'll be a siege on Citadel's high walls. Everyone needs to be prepared.

We're going to approach with a good old-fashioned phalanx. It's worked well for us in the past. Once again, I will be a lynchpin, but it's out of desire rather than necessity. I want the war to be done.

I won't be the only offensive unit this time, obviously. Evander has a cavalry I'm putting to use.

But that's beside the point. Moving an army of this size takes time, and that's the priority. So many things to consider: how we'll transfer our supplies, prevent sabotage from East Zoral, not to mention the soldiers all have to keep up with their training.

Aoi-kun and I are barely sleeping. There's too much work to be done. The generals try to help out, but they each have their own responsibilities.

"This is training." Aoi-kun insists, more to himself than to me as we approach 72 hours of no sleep. "Training to be... to be... uh, what's my job called?"

We're semi-delirious. It's fiiiiiine. Actually, I'm better than fine! The sparkles in my eyes are so pretty!

"Uh-huh." I murmur sleepily, stamping an official document with Aoi-kun's seal... no wait, that's the banana I was eating.

Aoi-kun's seal is in my left hand. Whoopsie. No wait, I have authority! I'm the Commander! I dub this the official banana seal!

Aoi-kun slaps his cheeks hard, which leaves him red-faced and no more awake than before. "If I can't handle this, how can I be super duper strong?"

"Retainers." I suggest. "Lots... and lots... of retainers. You... need sleep. I need... sleep. Is that... a fairy?"

I try to catch one of the pretty shiny light spots in my eyes but it doesn't exist! Noooo!

Aoi-kun rolls his eyes, then unhinges his jaw for a massive yawn. "No. It's a mermaid, silly. Swimmy swimming through the air."

"I hate dolls." I mutter. "Mermaids are cute."

My chair tilts backwards. My brain knows I'm falling, but my body says meh, who cares? I don't feel myself hit the floor because I'm already asleep...

"Miho-sama? Oh dear. Please wake up, Miho-sama." I recognize Torako's voice.

"But why would Torako be here? She was supposed to arrive until tomorrow, when we would start our march..." I rub my eyes, still groggy with sleep.

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