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it's present time, august of 2021. i'm currently in palm springs having a meet and greet with some of my fans.

quarantine ended last year, december of 2020 i believe. i stayed with the orlandos until march and the rest of quarantine was with hayley, my mom, and i. after quarantine johnny and i's relationship started getting, i don't know exactly, possibly a bit distant. it was sort of my fault. i started to distant myself from him when all i ever saw on his feed was music he was creating with his friend, kenzie ziegler. they've always been close but i never thought of how close they were until now. i would be lying if it didn't bother me because, it did. i have a right to be jealous, right?

johnny and i still talk of course, you can't have a relationship unless you talk but we just don't talk enough to be in a healthy one. johnny may think our relationship is going well, i wouldn't say the same. it kills me to see him creating music with someone who's more popular, prettier, and more talented than me, at least that's how i see it.

i pray to god johnny doesn't see it that way. it already breaks my heart how insecure i am. i can't keep feeling this way. maybe being in palm springs with fans and meeting them isn't the worst thing. they love me and that's enough. my fans are enough to make me happy. i shouldn't need a boyfriend to make me smile, although that would be nice.

sadly this meet and greet will come to an end very soon, after all everything good comes to an end.


next week i'm going back to los angeles to film a new movie i'm starring in, well it's for brat tv. i've never been big on being on live television, and that's why i've grown on chicken girls these past few years.

i filmed a movie on brat tv called 'spring breakaway' back in 2018, it came out in march of 2019. it was an amazing experience. i became really close with some of my co-stars, especially william franklyn miller. he's one of my friends i have always kept in touch with sense.

it's quiet odd because william's actually my love interest in our new movie which is the sequel to 'spring breakaway.' the new movie is called 'summer breakaway.'

it's just as the last movie except in summer, ryhme meets up with those friends she made from spring break and they go on a vacation to california. william who plays rhyme's love interest, ezra goes on a family trip to california and bumps into the group.


johnny and i haven't talked about how i'll be having a love interest in my new movie. in fact, i'm worried that he'll react badly. i mean, we're already in an unhealthy relationship and this is just adding more issues to it.

. as requested. that was more of a recap but i'm super excited! anyways i hope you enjoyed. xo

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