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johnny is currently staying in his los angeles home by himself due to making music with kenzie ziegler who lives in los angeles as well.

johnny and i plan to speak as soon as i get back from palm springs which is just in two days. i'm going to talk to him about my love interest i'll have in the movie i'm starring in. knowing johnny it could go good or bad, depends on his mood which i pray is good because i don't really have choice. i'm doing the movie weather he wants me to or not. i've always promised myself i wouldn't allow a man to tell me what i can and can't do, as every woman should.


today's the day i have been dreading ever sense i planned it. today is the day i tell johnny about my on screen love interest.

before i knew it, i was at johnny's front door. i inhaled and exhaled, dramatically like people do in movies. i rang the door bell and stepped away from the door, leaving room for johnny to open it.

in a matter of seconds, he had opened it with a big smile on his face. "jules!" johnny exclaimed and gave me a tight hug. i giggled as i felt his touch, god how i've missed it.

"i've missed you, baby!" i said. johnny smiled. "i've missed you more, bubs." he said. i blushed at the nickname he gave me, 'bubs.' that nickname has never failed to make me blush.

johnny guided me into the living room, sitting me down next to him.

"we have the whole house to ourselves. speaking of 'we,' are you staying the night?" johnny asked. i smiled. "i didn't plan on it but if you want me to, i'd love that." i replied. johnny got up from the coach, jumping up and down. "of course i do!" i laughed at his child state he was in. "john, your 19. what are you doing?" i asked in between laughs. "making you laugh!" he said in confidence. i playfully rolled my eyes. johnny never fails at flirting does he?

"but wait, what am i going to wear? i didn't even plan on staying the night." i said, sort of killing the mood. johnny sighed. "bubs, you can wear my clothes. don't worry about it." johnny reassured me. i got up and kissed his cheek. i could see his cheeks warm up. "i've missed your cheek kisses, leblanc." johnny admitted. "i bet you have." i replied.

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