Secrets shared

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Dan's POV (I will do Phil's soon I promise)

Charlotte looks at my wrists and raises an eyebrow. "well that's going to be hard to cover up" she says and turns to walk out the room. I settle my gaze back to Phil, his eyes are still full of fear and pain as the buff man's still sat on his lap.

 Blake gets up and walks over to the couch again and settles on the cushions. I stand up, earning a raised eyebrow, and walk over to my scared boyfriend, looking distantly into space.

 I sit on his lap, earning a whimper from him, "he properly thinks I'm Blake" I think to myself, settling the feeling of hurt. I gently nudge his chin towards me, his eyes dart to my face, a small smile tugs at his lips. I rest my forehead against his soft, pale skin and stare into his deep eyes. Drinking up the love and trust that fill his baby blue orbs I bring my lips to his and gently cup my hand across his undamaged cheek. He kisses back with all the love and passion he has. The kiss was slow and meaningful, not like the hot, steamy ones we normally share, we were kissing with emotions, feelings, love.  

 The kiss was like a beckon of hope, shining out through the fear and pain we have been made to feel. A dagger tearing through the negative, leaving positive, joyous memories and feeling's in it's path. The world was just an after thought, I had my world here, one single human being who I had only know a small amount of years but yet he meant the most to me then everyone, anyone and anything that I have ever encountered in this world. My existence has only been short however I know I have already found the purpose of my life; Phil Lester. His smile, his laugh, the way he stuck his tongue out when he laughed.

 All thoughts were on him and all emotions were shared.

 But, even I knew that this couldn't last forever. The feeling that I had when we broke was indescribable, I was so lost in him that I forgot about everything, Charlotte, who was now stood in the door way with her phone filming us, Blake, who was still sat on the sofa but was staring at Charlotte love clearly evident in his eyes, I wouldn't dare to ask him about it though.

 "Now, since you boys seem to be finished shall we crack on with things" Charlotte said, her high sickly sweet voice tearing through the silence that had settled among us.

 She walked over to me and gestured for me to follow her with her long finger nails. I walked out the lounge trailing behind her, like a lost puppy. Before I exited however, I casted one last look to Phil who still had a smirk across his face and a dreamy look in his eye.

 We walked straight into the spare room or "my room" as I call it in my video's so the fan's don't suspect me and Phil dating, even though nearly 90% have figured it out and ship us together.

 The camera is set up on the deck, lighting surrounding it, looking like it does normally when I shoot a video.

 "Sit" Charlotte says after throwing me my long sleeved galaxy jumper to put on and gestures to one of the dining room chairs that was situated in the middle of my room. I sit down and look at her confusingly.

"Right Daniel, I will only say this once so you better listen okay?" "Okay" I reply and ready myself for what she's about to tell me.

"You are going to tell all of your little 'fans' about your relationship with Phil okay?" I stare at her in shock, is this the only reason that she is doing this to us, so that we can out our relationship?

 "Then I'm going to come in and tell them exactly what's going on, I'll tell the 'fans' about our plan and the ransom that we want for you two, two of the biggest internet stars, I think we could get quite a lot out of all your little stalkers and followers don't you?" I feel sick, why would they do this? Phil and I aren't that famous, surely the fans wouldn't do that for us, I know some of them are devoted but to pay money so that we are free is too much.

 "If you mess anything us though Daniel, I will tell Blake to kill you precious little Philly, in a blink of an eye he could be gone" I whimper at the though and sit up straight.

 As she presses the start button on the camera, I don't even think of messing with my hair to make sure that I look alright for the fans.  

 "Hello Internet" my catchphrase couldn't seem anymore forced, dead. I start to tell the internet about my week like normally.

"So guys here is something really important that I need to tell you, Phil should be here as well to join me but he's a bit" I pause and gather myself "tied up with work and things" I say into the camera.

 "Basically guys Phil and I are dating" "surprise, now I know that some of you aren't surprised at all and actually guessed right, so erm... well done I guess " I look at Charlotte and wait for her to come onto camera. She walks out from behind the camera and directly into the camera's view. "Hello Internet" she says, causing me to visibly gag as the words roll of her tongue. "now, this isn't the nice danisnotonfire video that you were expecting, no this is in fact a tale of woe" she carries on " Dan and Phil are currently ours, yes, ours, we have them under capture and it's down to you idiotic people to get them out of this situation. We will harm them, make no mistake." I stare off into the background as tears form in the corner of my eyes.

 "We want money, a set amount will be posted to Dan and Phil's official merch website each month and if you don't meet it by the end of the month then you guys get to see a new video, but this video will have a twist, depending on how far you were away from the goal depends on how much pain will be inflicted onto them" "You guys could be the cause of their death, extreme pain and yes they are together, I can prove this by the little video that I managed to film earlier" she pauses for a few seconds before continuing " Furthermore, they will be split up, different continents, if you, do mange to raise the amount of money that we want then they will earn a treat, this could be a skype or phone call, other then that no contact will be made between the two so it is up to you guys to help them" Sobs rack through my body as the thought of being without Phil for months consume me.

 "Oh and don't think to contact the police as we will already be long gone before they get here"

"Bye internet" and with that, she turns off the camera and drags me by my jumper to the lounge where Phil and Blake are still sat. She roughly shoves me onto the chair next to Phil again and walks off, not even bothering to tie me up. We both know that there is no way of me escaping here. 

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