Chapter 8: True Intentions & Pain

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A/N: Chapter contains drama, slight gore and P A I N, this is one of the important chapters.


3rd POV

Location: Ironblood, Meeting-Room

Time Before ???: 17:43:60

All the high ranking personels of Ironblood are currently having a meeting about a major attack on Azur Lane that was planned by Akagi from the Sakura Empire.

Zeppelin: A major attack, huh?

Tirpitz: Akagi requested our assurance for this Battle, she wishes us to choose a few ships from our ranks to accompany them on this attack, she said no specification on the few that'll be selected....

Levi: I don't trust this.....

Bismarck: Your point being..?

Levi: It's Akagi here that we're talking about, remember that she made a deal with the sirens just for power....

Zeppelin: And..?

Levi: What if, Akagi was being controlled by the sirens..? We've already seen what she can do just to achieve her goal and I don't think that she would just side with the sirens for power....

Tirpitz: What are your conclusions....

Levi: Akagi might have a whole different reason for siding with the sirens, think about it, would we side with the sirens if they have what we want..?

Bismarck: So you're saying-

Levi: Bingo.... We just need to know what her real intention is and I know the perfect person for the job....

Levi grew a smirk as he walks over to a radio and started to talk with a person on the radio, it was Gregory, it was expected since he has entered their ranks and was much better in socializing and consoling than him.

Levi: As we wait for his info, Kommandant, your orders..?

Bismarck: I suppose, I do have a score to settle.... We'll provide them support, but if Akagi or Kaga orders you something suspicious, report back to me, am I clear?

Everyone: Ja!

Location: Sakura Empire, Nagato Estate, First-Floor

Time Before ???: 16:23:59

Currently, the higher-ups of the Sakura Empire are planning on the attack on Azur Lane, Akagi revealed that they will be using the black mental cube that was given to her by a siren to lead an army of sirens for the attack, Many agreed but one person did not.

Gregory: I do not approve of this....

Nagato: And why is that Gregory-san..?

Gregory: Like you have taught me, we've been fighting sirens for many years and you have said that they will try to get what they want in any ways possible, how can be so sure that they will not turn on us once this is done...? This fight with Azur Lane is meaningless.... You may have some grudge on them, but does 'this' relieve you..? Akagi, I'll ask you this, in all of the years that you've fought the sirens, you hated them but now YOU, specifically YOU, received a 'gift' from them and you didn't even think twice about it..... So what are your TRUE intensions Akagi..?

The whole room was filled with eerie silence, none of them opened their mouths, how can someone figure something out so quickly?

Gregory: They lied to you, didn't they..? They promised you something that YOU want, not this empire wants.... I have heard that you had a sister, other than Kaga.... Was it to bring back the dead..?

Akagi's eyes widen as she clenched her fists and went to punch Gregory, he just stood there and took it, he didn't even flinch.


Gregory: I do....


Gregory lowered his head and his bangs are now covering his eyes.

Gregory: *sigh* As you may have heard, I am the head of my clan, I have tens of thousands family, we went to war with other species for domination of the food source.... Many of us died, including my brother and 2 sisters.... Do you I didn't try to bring them back..?

He lifted his head and they saw his eyes began to become watery, he was crying, the man that shows little to no emotion was crying.

Gregory: Do you even know what it did to me..? First law of forbidden arts: "An eye for an eye.... A soul.... For a soul...." I tried to bring them back, but it turned my other family members into ash and what was the exchange..? A pile of flesh and blood, it was an abomination, organs all over the ground and still functioning, but it's not them.... Turns out my sacrifice wasn't enough.... I was too afraid to continue back then, I didn't want to sacrifice my family's lives for my own desire again....

Gregory: And now that you've heard my past.... Will you do it..? Even my forbidden arts can't bring back the dead, what will siren's technology do..? If you are smart enough then you'll know what to do, Akagi....

Gregory: すみません、長門様 (excuse me, Nagato-sama)

And with that Gregory left the meeting while the other personels are in deep thought, Akagi sat there thinking about his words.

Akagi: An eye for an eye, a soul for a soul....

Back to Gregory, he was leaning his back against a sakura tree on the far end of the base, thinking about what he could have done back then to save them, his arrogance brought them to their deaths, he blames himself for their deaths, even if he doesn't show it, he was still having nightmares about it, it always plays in his head, again and again.... And again, it would never stop, and now that he had brought it up, his heart began to ache he stood from his seat and turned towards the tree he was leaning on.

Gregory: GOD DAMNIT!!!

He punched the tree with all his might, he continues to punch it until his fist began to bleed, he broke down on his knees and screamed to the top of his lungs, he slammed both his fist on the ground and it cracked.

Gregory: Why.... Why did you have to go..... Why couldn't it be me....?

He continued to cry for a few minutes until a hand was placed on his shoulder, he turned around and saw Yamato, standing there with a worried face, he quickly leaned back to the tree while hugging his knees, hiding his crying face, Yamato sat next to him and to his surprise, she hugged him tightly, Yamato caress his head on her should as he slowly hugs back while crying loudly.

Yamato: Shh.... Let it out, I'm here for you, I won't go until you calm down....

Gregory hugged her tighter and his cries started to slowly silent.

Yamato: There.... You should be good now, let-

Yamato looked at Gregory's face and smiled, he had fallen asleep, she gets into a comfortable position and let his head rest on her shoulder.

Yamato: おやすみ グレゴリー.... (Goodnight, Gregory....)

She rested her head on top of his and closed her eyes then soon fell asleep, as the setting sun shines upon them.

Time Before ???: 14:27:12

<=×=×=E. O. C=×=×=>

This series has nearly reached its end, what will Akagi do with the lecture Gregory gave him? Will the 4 factions ever be at peace? More importantly, what would be the outcome of this all out battle? Find out more on the next chapter of "Death From Below".

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