Year 2 I

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Reasons Why I Hate James Potter (Edited)


2. Still ugly (he has glasses and his hair is always messed up...what a nerd, right? Right?)

3. Still mean to Severus

4. Still annoying/it's just a game and I'm just a prize to him

5. Still has annoying friends (they think they're soooo cool)

6. Still house-ist (Definition: thinks Gryffindor house is better than all the other houses and hates them all— especially Slytherins)


In all her life (of twelve whole years), Lily never had to face much discrimination. Sure, she was a redhead and to some, she was the bane of human existence and marked as bad luck, but Lily never took that to heart.

Sometimes when she walked across the street, someone would call out, "Look at that carrot top go!"

Lily would occasionally roll her eyes or stick a certain damning finger in the air, but most times, she just tended to ignore them. Overall, Lily could honestly say, she had never faced true discrimination before. That is, until she came to Hogwarts.

Hogwarts was wonderful. Truly wonderful. It was filled with people of all different backgrounds and histories, and cultures and stories. It was a brilliant melting pot.

At least, it would have been brilliant if not for that one sour ingredient that ruined the whole dish—dirty blood.

The word mudblood haunted her daily.

She would walk through the halls of Hogwarts and someone would call out, "Look at that filthy mudblood in our school." As if it wasn't her school as well.

And Lily... she didn't know what to do. Deep down, she felt scared. Terrified. When someone made fun of her hair color, she knew it was only skin, or rather, hair deep, and just a joke. When someone made fun or mocked her blood, her origins, her history... they were truly disgusted by something Lily had no control over.

Lily was a muggle-born and to be suddenly introduced to a world of magic was amazing! She never imagined that something so new and wonderful to her could be so ugly to someone else.

Instead of rolling her eyes or showing off her middle finger, Lily would keep her head down and walk faster, trying to blend into the crowd (as much as her bright red hair would let her).

She had heard stories of what the pureblood elitists would do to poor muggle-borns who stood up for themselves. Hell, she had seen it herself: the poor lad hung upside down and was mocked at before being dropped into the Great Lake.

"I hope the Giant Squid eats you, filthy mudblood!" The wretched crowd jeered. After having their fill and watching him struggle in the water for a bit, they finally left before any professor could arrive and stop their cruelty.

That's when the neighboring crowd sprang into action and helped the poor boy out of the lake. The wet Hufflepuff sobbed his heart out as his friends wrapped blankets around his shivering body and tried their best to comfort him.

Lily didn't do anything. She just watched from afar and wondered, That could have been me.

It was a horrible thought. She knew that. And a selfish one at that.

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