Year 5 XVIII

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The rest of her week consisted of classes, silent patrols, eating, sleeping, and lying in bed dreading her inevitable doom.

"Enough with the gloom, Lily Evans!" Alice's voice did nothing to get her out of her funk.

Curled up under her many fluffy blankets, Lily gave her friend a non-committal grunt before rolling over and wallowing on her other side.

While Alice's voice may have done nothing for Lily, Marlene grabbing her by the ankles and pulling her off her bed certainly woke her up. Now a giant heap on the floor, Lily curled up and sighed against the fuzzy carpet.

"You gotta get out of this funk, Lils." Marlene insisted. "Come with us to Hogsmeade."

"No," Lily said petulantly. "It's boring."

"You're boring," Alice corrected. "We've watched you lying there every single day this week for hours. You need to get out and get a life. We get it. Snape hurt you. Frankly, we don't really know why you were friends with him in the first place. Now you have us and we're not going to let you waste your precious youth grieving over an asshole who was never really your friend in the first place."

Lily stayed silent, her face and body hidden under the protection of the blankets, which Alice and Marlene had thankfully not pulled off of her.

"Plus," Marlene added hesitantly, "Alice is gonna be sneaking away from me to go on a date with Frank and I will be all alone."

"I told you I'm gonna set you up with someone and we can go on a double date!"

"Merlin, that's even worse!" Marlene cried out, "Lils, you gotta save me!"

They waited a few more seconds and when Lily gave no sign of reciprocating, they resignedly turned to leave their dorm.

There was a small shuffle and Lily's head poked out of her blanket cocoon. "Can I help pick who you set her up with?" she asked Alice timidly.

Marlene groaned good-naturedly. "This was not what I meant when I asked you to come along!"

Alice squealed excitedly. "Two birds, one stone!"


"What about him?" Alice pointed.

Marlene squinted at the boy. "No."

"Him?" Lily asked.

The blonde scrunched her nose. "Ew."

"That one?"


"Marley, you have to find at least one of the boys here attractive!" Alice exclaimed.

The three friends strolled through Hogsmeade, window shopping and boy shopping.

"I already told you, Ally. I don't need you to set me up with anyone and Lily's here so I won't be third-wheeling on your date with Frank!"


"No buts. Let's just have fun and not think about boys. Boys are garbage."

"Amen," Lily agreed.

"Except Frank," Alice said dreamily. "Frank is so sweet."

"Thanks for the compliment, babe," Frank's voice came from behind them and they turned to face him.

Alice giggled and jumped into her boyfriend's arms to give him a quick kiss. "I missed you, babe."

Marlene gagged. "I wish I could miss this."

"I think it's cute," Lily said, smiling at the couple.

"Not as cute as my little bubblegum," Frank said, rubbing noses with his girlfriend.

"Merlin, they're getting worse." Marlene rolled her eyes, but even she had a grin on her face.

"I brought you something." Frank reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of Droobles blowing gum. "I know you were on your last stick."

"Aw, babe, you know me so well!" She placed a kiss on his cheek before unwrapping a stick of gum and popping it in her mouth. She then looped her arm around Frank's, looking ready to go on her date.

"Alright, babes," Marlene mocked. "You two have fun on your date. I'll stay here with this babe." She looped her arm around Lily's to mimic Frank and Alice.

"Bye, babes." Lily winked at the couple.

Alice stuck her tongue out at her friends before she and her boyfriend started walking onwards.

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