1: landing

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Author pov

Here Aleia was, 35,000 feet in the air, flying back to England after 12 years.

She was moving from Florida to Nottinghamshire.

The dirty blond girl was sitting half asleep in her seat, watching "mean girls" it was a good show, but damn was she tired.

She looked to her right to see her two younger brothers asleep next to her - Jackson sleeping angelically and Oliver managing to annoy Aleia even in his sleep.

Aleia then looked to her left to see her mom also watching one of her favourite Netflix series "gilmore girls" can't blame her, that show slaps.

The 16 year old girl decided to annoy her mom a bit.

"How much longer" she said dragging out the end

"Al, your sixteen stop whining" her mom answered using one of her many nickname and laughing light heartedly at the end.

Aleia sat back in her chair, one leg coming up again and decided to scroll through tik tok, because like almost every teenage girl apart of gen-z, she was addicted to it.

*le time skip*

Five hours, Aleia spent five hours on tik tok.

That's gonna make a dent in her bank account.

At this point Aleia has been on a plane for eight hours.

"Only two hours to go" she thought to herself before turning on Netflix again.

This time she put on "Rick and Morty".

The rest of the flight went pretty slow, her brothers woke up and Oliver started nagging about how tired he is.

"Oliver, you just woke up" Aleia said in a annoyed voice towards her brother

"i'm still tired" After he said that Aleia just exhaled an annoyed puff of air.

To be fair she was also tired, but she wasn't nagging about it like her bitch ass brother.

After a couple more minutes of Oliver annoying Aleia and Jackson they finally landed.

Aleia stood up and started getting her bag from the little compartment.

She also got Jackson's little frog backpack

you know the one every toddler has.

Her mom helped Oliver with his bag and started heading out the plane.

Aleia's pov

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