8: floors looking floory

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No one's pov

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No one's pov

"Aleia can you pass me the green beans please" her mom said making her lift her head up from under the table

"hey! i said no phones! take it out from under the table" she added

Aleia, Tommy, Oliver put there phones on the table, even Jackson put his little toy phone up

"oh my god" Mom said putting her head in her hands while laughing along with Tommy's parents.

They have been having dinner for quite a while now.

The room was non stop filled with chatter.

"so what school is Aleia going to? or is she not going at all?" Tommys mom asked in the nicest way possible

"When summer break ends she's going to uuhhh, Aleia sweetie what's the name of the school"

Aleia rolled her head back trying to remembered the name

"uhhh *insert college name*"

"Oh! Tommy goes there!" Mrs. Simons said excitedly

Aleia gave a nod and tight lipped smile

she looked over at Tommy who was coverings his face with his hand and sliding into his chair a bit in embarrassment for his moms excitement

she bumped his shoulder to signal "hey don't stress it", which was pretty easy seeing as they were sitting next to eachother.

*le timè skipè*

After they finished dinner, Tommy's dad went home because he had to wake up early morning, while Tommy's mom and Aleia's mom were getting on quite nicely

they had decided on having a glass of wine, so they were chatting while pouring it in the kitchen while Jackson was screaming that he wanted to watch "up" that was playing on the TV program.

Aleia turned on the TV and sat on the couch as Jackson sat on the floor

soon Tommy sat near Aleia, both of the teenagers back looking at there phones, sometimes leaning over to show eachother the meme or tik tok they found and or looking up to actually watch some parts of the movie.

This time Aleia was watching tik tok and soon enough a video that george posted, twerking to dream's song came up

"GOGY!...oh gogy" Tommy yelled but as he continued watching the video he got more concerned

Aleia bursted out laughing after his quick mood change

"i...." he exhales shakily

"i need to make a tik tok" he said and quickly dueted georges video.

he was making the same face as he did when he first saw it

you could hear Aleia laughing her ass off in the background

"CAN YOU SHUT UP WOMAN....gogy" he shouted before looking back at his phone

he posted the video and after 5 minutes it came on Aleia's for you page

"oh the comment on this are hilarious" she said referring to the confused fans

some were confused over george's actions, some were freaking out about Aleia.

"wait hold on why are you not following me?! i though you followed me at ikea"

she looked at her phone guiltily smiling.

"DID YOU UNFOLLOW....ughhhh" he said before tapping the like and follow button on her screen.

"ok Jack it's bed time" Aleia's mom said picking up Jackson

meanwhile Tommy's mom was looking at the two fighting for Aleia's phone while both laughing

she nudged Aleia's mom as she passed

"look at them" she said quietly giving a sly smile which Aleia's mom gladly returned wiggling her eyebrows.

Moly sent both of Aleia's brothers too bed before sitting next to Kate, sipping her wine while Aleia and Tommy were in there own little internet world.

"Why don't we switch this huh?" Moly said before switching through the different channels, she soon landed on a detectives movie which Aleia found quite the interest in.

all four of them started watching the movie, funny commentary flying over it.

soon a more mature scene came on and being the funny awkward and immature persona Aleia is she didn't miss her opportunity to joke about it.

she saw that Tommy was also looking around in every crevice of the room, trying to ignore the tv.

"damm the floors looking extra floory today" she said looking at the floor

everyone started laughing

"yes and the air is looking extra moleculy as well hmm yes" Tommy added

Aleia grabbed the water bottle from the coffee table

"wow! Tommy did you know that water has 0 grams of sugar" she said acting as if she had never known this before

"No way!" he gasped loudly "Aleia! is that...a tree!"

she quickly gasped as well, looking at the tree outside through the window

"i don't know but we must find out"

they both stood up and left through the front door

they stepped outside in the dark and traveled to the tree

"ah yes it is in fact a tree" they both concluded and walked back

"on second thought i don't think we looked hard enough" Aleia said as she entered the house, quickly spinning around as the scene hasn't ended

Tommy followed quickly after both of them going back to the tree and staring at it in there thinking faces

both of there moms were cackling with laughter at there kids actions and soon signaled them back in when the scene was over.



short chapter because i had this idea a and can't sleep :p

sorry if there's any grammar mistakes i'm to lazy to check

go take care of yourself my dude

see you on the the flip 😎

byeeeeeee 😩

word count - 918 words

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