6: weeeee

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Author pov

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Author pov

the family's continued to walk around ikea, writing down what furniture they need and putting decor in the carts.

the giant place where all of the furniture sat, packed neatly was finally in view.

but right next to it sat a bunch of real and fake plants.

Aleia went straight for the plants seeing as they were one of her favorite ways of decorating.

I mean how could they not? they look nice and simple, they fill weird corner and THEY HELP YOU BREATH???

So with no hesitation Aleia started picking out some healthy beautiful easy to take care of plants and succulents.

Occasionally having to google if the plant needs a lot of attention or is it more chill

because let's be honest

she has the responsibility of a 5 year old.

Tommy came to help her not to long after.

"what are you doing?"

"climbing mount everest" Aleia said scanning through the plants

"well there's no need to be rude" Tommy said now joining her in scanning the plants on the shelves

"there's no need for stupid questions" Aleia responded quickly before letting out a small chuckle.

*tiny time skip*

About 10 minutes later Aleia was finally happy with her plant and cute pot selection.

Now was the hard part

getting all of the furniture that they wanted to take from the ikea shelves.

They entered the giant warehouse looking place and grabbed the different shopping carts that were made for furniture.

"Do you need another trolley?" Tommy asked the girl


"oh sorry cARt CaRt CArt" Tommy said mocking the way americans say cart.

Aleia just sighed and shook her head lightly

she then turned around and started walking away Tommy chasing after her soon with another cart or trolley as he calls them.

They continued walking and chatting for a long time.

They talked about Nottingham, friends, family, internet life and even shared some embarrassing story's.

Then the chaos began

when they decided to do one of the iconic ikea activities

ride on the carts.

they drove down the aisles, bumped into eachother on purpose and not on purpose, fell, almost bumped into the shelves and just were laughing and having a great time


@tommyinnit☑  i'm scared @beevee

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@tommyinnit☑  i'm scared @beevee

this went on for about 15 minutes

it would have went on for longer but they actually found the furniture Aleia needed and now the carts were to full to ride.

Soon they reunited with the rest of there families and the Beverly family bought there stuff.

All of the stuff was packed into a U-Haul so fitting into the car was not a problem.

Not too long after they got home and started unloading stuff from the U-Haul with the help of the drivers.



hello! this was kind of short but I have bigger things planned next chapter :)

Go get some water, a snack and take your meds

I love you <3

Word count - 494 words

A LIL BIT CHILDISH | Tommyinnit x ocWhere stories live. Discover now