Chapter One - The girl with the envelope

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"Hey! Vocal Adrenaline! Listen up, I know you're all excited about the win but you all need to calm down." Shelby yells to all the V.A kids. They continue to cheer and talk amongst themselves ignoring their teacher.

"Hey!" Shelby yells louder this time. They all turn their heads and the room goes quiet. "Are you going to listen to me or age you just going to do what you want?" She asks. "Do what we want!" A boy in the back yells. "Yeah!" The rest of the team cheers.

Shelby sighs inwardly. This is not what she needed today. But if they want her to be mean then that's what she'll do.

Putting her fingers together, she whistles sharply. That gets their attention. "Whoever yelled 'do what you want.' please come forward." She says her eyes burning holes in the kids.

A tall boy in ripped jeans and a band t-shirt steps forward. He has brown hair with dark blue dyed tips. A smirk lives on his face and he has a cigarette in his mouth. "Yes?" He asks.

"First of all. While you are in my care meaning my classroom, my auditorium, or just anywhere with me you will not smoke. If you wish to stay on this team then you will quit smoking. It's not good for your vocal cords. Second, let it be known that I will not tolerate the kind of behavior that all of you have been showing me. I get it, I'm a lot younger than most of your teachers but let me remind you that while that may be I'm still the teacher. Not you. So if any of you wish to say something please come forward and share." Shelby explains.

"You free Saturday night?" The boy asks his smirk growing. "What?" Shelby asks. "You know. Like a date." He elaborates. If Shelby didn't know better her mouth would have dropped to the floor. Did this boy really have the nerve to be as disrespectful as he was and then ask her out on a date?

"Uh no." She says quickly not giving him the light of day. "I'm cool with older women. Teenage girls are just way too full of themselves." He says taking a step towards her. "I'm 24." She says a little taken aback. "Yeah, and you look 16. I was just trying a different tactic." He says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Get a life," Shelby says pushing him back. All the V.A kids snicker at the interaction. "Okay. As much as I'd like to continue this we have to get going. Everyone get your bags and find a seat." Shelby says walking towards the bus.

The bus ride was long and tiring. Shelby sat in the front lost in thought.

Shelby Corcoran is a 24-year-old former Broadway star, singer, and actress. At the young age of 23, she won a Tony award for her role as Elphaba in Wicked. She played Maureen Johnson in Rent at age 19 during college but after graduating the next year she found herself broke and barely able to pay her rent. She took a job in Lima, Ohio as a surrogate for two gay men named Hiram and Leroy Berry but when she went into early labor on December 18th 2010, lost the baby. The baby was born a month early and they were told it shouldn't be a problem but when the baby was born it suffocated to death. No one but Shelby knows about her little girl up in heaven.

The moment Shelby was discharged from the hospital she went straight back to New York and worked hard until finally, at age 22 she landed the role of the wicked witch in a new Broadway musical called Wicked. She went on to become a known name in the industry and won a Tony.

Almost a year after winning her Tony Shelby left the spotlight and moved back home to Ohio. She spent a couple of weeks living with her parents at her childhood home in Columbus Ohio but soon found a job as an English and Choir teacher at Carmel high school. She found a nice house in a well-known neighborhood and settled down.

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