Chapter Five - A slippery mess

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So I'm starting a new thing... I've seen other people do this and thought I'd give it a try. I'll answer any questions that are left in the comments at the beginning of the next chapter. There aren't very many questions so far which is fine but I just want to acknowledge any questions that are asked in future.

Spawn - Yes! There are actually skinny jeans for toddlers. I wasn't sure so I looked it up and there they were. They aren't exactly categorized as 'skinny jeans' though like women's jeans are. Really it's just that there are baggy jeans and not baggy jeans. Weird wording I guess on my part ;) Also, I'd like to thank you for letting me know about how my story is getting close to Little Girl Lost. You did it in a nice way too which I appreciate. I'll try to steer away from that.

And I would also just like to thank everyone once again for the support you all have shown me so far. I've just kind of started getting my ground and dipping my toes into writing and it makes me so happy that there are people enjoying it :)

"Mom? Somethings wrong." Mia says, slowly into her phone. "Something's very wrong."

Beep! Beep! Beep! With a sigh Shelby snoozes the alarm. "Too early." She mumbles. She rolls over and feels sleep take over again.

"Ms. Corcoran? My name is Rachel Berry. I'm your daughter." A small teenage girl says softly looking up at an older version of herself.

This girl. This teenage girl is her Rachel. Her baby girl.

Shelby looks at herself. She doesn't look much older if she's honest. But you can see that she's a grown adult here, whereas now at 24 she still kinda looks like a teenager.

"Did you regret it?" The girl asks. Shelby sees herself take a deep breath. "Yes, then no, then so much."

Shelby watches as she continues to look onward towers the stage. She recognizes it as the Vocal Adrenaline stage.

"When did you realize it was the right time for me to find you?" The girl asks. Shelby can see the pain and nerves on the poor girl's face.

Then the older Shelby says, "I saw you sing at sectionals. You were extraordinary. You were me." She says with a smile. The girl then begins to talk about the way they're sitting and how alike they are.

But Shelby isn't really listening. She's focused on the interaction between the two. And also trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Usually you aren't conscious while in a dream. It's strange. Really quite strange.

She sees herself tear up. Pain evident on her face. "I've missed so much." She chokes out. You can see the love in her eyes. It's shown through the glistening tears.

She seems to push it away though and sits up turning to face Rachel. "How do you feel?" She asks. Rachel faces her mother. "Thirsty." She replies.

Shelby looks at her inquisitively. "W-When I was little and I would get sad, my dads would bring me a glass of water. It got to a point where I wouldn't know if I was sad or just... thirsty." Rachel explains.

Shelby can see shock and hurt and more pain cross her older selfs face. She then falls back into her seat only to get right back up again and run her hands through her hair.

"This is all wrong. We were supposed to have some magical run into each other's arms moment. You know like in the movies."

Rachel seems to deflate. She then starts grasping at straws. "M-Maybe we could go to dinner? To get over the initial shock?"

Shelby wonders how her other self can't possibly see the longing and desire from the teen. It's so obvious that all she wants is for her mother to wrap her arms around her. How can't she see that?

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