Chapter Six - And this is how it went

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This is chapter six readers! I'm sorry it's taken soooo long. I've been working on like a thousand other fics and school was ending so I was hustling to get work in and studying and everything and then my dog died so my mind was elsewhere and I was distracted and all. Anyway again I'm sorry it's taken so long. But on the bright side here is another chapter that I hope you like! Enjoy, guys!

"Mom? Dad? Grace? What are you doing here?" Shelby asks standing in the doorway with shock written on her face.

All six eyes are fixed on the sleeping toddler in Shelby's arms. The little girl is in a pair of yellow footie pajamas and has loose pigtails intact.

"Who's that?" Grace finally asks. Grace is 16 years old and is the youngest of the Corcoran children. She has long curly brown hair and brown chocolate eyes similar to Rachel's. She wears black framed glasses and has braces. She's currently wearing a pair of black high top converse, ripped jeans, a grey sweatshirt and a black band t-shirt.

Shelby freezes. Oh shoot. Welp folks this is it. The truth, her biggest secret comes out. Lets hope she makes it out alive.

"Yes Shelby, who is that?" Shelby's mother asks as her husband John comes and stands next to his wife, his eyes not leaving his daughter and the small child sleeping in her arms.

Shelby gulps. "This... this is Rachel. She's my... daughter." She chokes out. All eyes widen and jaws drop. "Your what?" Katherine squeaks out. Shelby stands up straighter and shifts the currently sleeping girl in her arms. "My daughter." She repeats.

Shelby looks at her parents and sister's faces. Her mother's face shows shock, fury and love. Her fathers face shows disappointment, sadness, shock and an overwhelming amount of love and empathy. And Grace's face is pure shock and excitement.

"How- what- when-" Katherine chokes out. Shelby gives her mother a sad smile. "I know you guys want answers but I can't give them to you right now. It's late and I need to get her in bed." Shelby says looking at the time. The clock reads 10:00 p.m. It's way past Rachel's bedtime and honestly Shelby's bedtime too.

Katherine opens her mouth to protest but her husband puts a hand on her shoulder. "In the morning Katie." She says softly. Katherine gives a tearful nod and turns to her daughter. "I expect answers tomorrow morning Shelby Katherine." She says with a raised eyebrow.

Shelby nods. "You all can go ahead and head into the guest rooms. Mom and dad, you can be in one of the guest rooms downstairs and Gracie can be in the extra room upstairs."

The three Corcorans nod and retire to their bedrooms with bags in hand. Now the only ones left are Shelby and Rachel. Shelby with a tired sigh walks upstairs.

"Mama?" Rachel sleepily mumbles as she feels herself leave her mother's arms. Shelby runs her hand through Rachel's hair. "Shhh. It's time to sleep sweet girl." She whispers.

Shelby doesn't notice the teenage girl quietly standing in the doorway. Grace Corcoran watches as her older sister kisses the little girl's head.

"You too?" Rachel sleepily asks. Shelby nods. "Yeah, me too. Mommy needs to get changed though."

Rachel nods and lifts her arms up. "Me come." She mumbles. Shelby shakes her head. "No baby, you stay here and sleep. Momma will be back soon." She whispers. Rachel furrows her brows but being too tired to protest nods her head.

Shelby stands up and walks over to her closet. She takes out a pair of cotton shorts and a matching grey t-shirt. After putting them on Shelby gets in bed and snuggles up next to Rachel.

"Night night mama." Rachel mumbles into Shelby's chest. Shelby smiles adoringly at Rachel. "Goodnight baby girl."

The next morning the sun shines through the curtains. A pair of excited brown eyes fly open. "Mama!" She exclaims turning to her mother. She begins to shake Shelby's shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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