Chapter Three - More than all the stars

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Hi guys, welcome to chapter three of Like mother, like daughter. Hope you like this next chapter!

Shelby stands up and a tear of her slips out of her eye. Her poor baby. Her poor baby girl.

The car ride home was silent. Rachel was asleep in the back so not even the radio was on. Snow lightly continues to fall outside.

Luckily they were able to get most of what Rachel needed. Grocery shopping was still needed and room shopping still hadn't been done but clothes and necessities were covered for the most part.

Shelby will get some more clothes online later when she gets the car seat and some of the things for Rachel's room.

Rachel now has half and maybe even more than that of her things. And for that Shelby is relieved.

She's going to tell Jenn she can't make it because of what happened to Rachel at the store. It would be insensitive and quite frankly selfish to have Rachel go or get a sitter.

Not only that but she isn't ready or going to leave Rachel even if it's only for a couple of hours especially after what happened today.

Pulling into the garage Shelby lets out a sigh before getting out of the car and carefully taking Rachel from the pink car seat.

The little girl stirs at the movement but goes back to sleep at the familiarity of her mother's arms.

Going inside Shelby walks upstairs to the master bedroom gently laying her daughter down on the large bed.

"Mama?" Rachel sleepily mumbles. Shelby runs a hand through Rachel's hair softly. "Shhh, mama's right here baby girl. Go back to sleep." Shelby coos.

Rachel lets out a sleepy breath before closing her eyes again curling her small body around her mother's hand clutching it as a source of comfort.

Shelby smiles lightly. Love consumes her heart. She has never felt so much love for someone in her whole life.

"I love you so much, Rachel." Shelby breathes out. With one last loving look at Rachel, Shelby rises and quietly leaves the room shutting the door behind her leaving a small crack open.

After shutting the door Shelby makes her way downstairs. A smile never leaving her lips.

This is everything she's wanted for the last three years. Everything she could have dreamed of.

Everything has been brought into the house and put in Rachel's bedroom.

Now Shelby sits on the patio silently nursing a cup of tea. The birds chirp in the distance of the white-covered land.

Only every day sounds like the sound of cars driving, and birds chirping, and the snowy wind blowing can be heard. It truly is a perfect day.

Usually, Shelby has some sort of hangover on the 19th of December, except this year the only hangover she has is the extreme love she felt yesterday for the little girl that showed up. Her daughter.

Of course, she still has that love but yesterday it was all new. Now Shelby's had a little more time to process what happened.

It's a blessing and a curse, her daughter being returned to her. A blessing because she has her baby back with her but a curse because it means her daughter went through so much to be here. And Shelby doesn't even know the extent of it.

But Shelby wouldn't have it any other way. Sure she would have preferred for the men she gave her baby to have lived up to what they agreed on but what is important is Rachel and that she is back where she truly belongs. Where she has always belonged; in her mother's arms.

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