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"you brought me the wrong laptop" snarled his boss, swiftly looking up from his dark brown, wooden desk where the new laptop he had brought for his boss sat unused. the look in namjoon's eyes was that of annoyance and exhaustion, and it terrified jimin. he was not at all used to having someone angry at him, let alone this angry.

namjoon stared dead into jimin's wide eyes, into his soul, into his spirit, and it petrified the poor assistant; especially because what he had done was entirely, completely irreversible and so ridiculously stupid, that jimin just wanted to slap himself in the face for it, but also wanted to scream right into his pillow and cry for hours on end. but he was in a business suit, stood in front of the desk of his boss, presenting him the incorrect laptop he had wanted him to buy for him. he felt like a complete and utter idiot.

the air felt tense and jimin could hardly breathe with how guilty, with how embarrassed he felt. his throat was tight, as if there was a knot in it, but so dry at the same time, prompting him to almost choke on.. on air. but jimin kept himself held together.

"o-oh.. I am so sorry sir. the models looked identical, I didn't know the difference, so I purchased the cheaper one" jimin rambled out, looking at the floor to avoid making eye contact with the intimidating yet sexy man. and he was now beginning to question if an explanation would even mean anything to his hot-headed boss. namjoon stood up from his desk chair, using his hands against the old, wooden desk to push himself up from it. jimin gulped as he was reminded of both namjoon's height, but also of his broad shoulders and muscular chest, which pushed up against the perfectly ironed, white dress shirt he wore.

jimin was conflicted between being so turned on by their size difference, and terrified of it. namjoon, compared to his own small frail and feminine body, huge.

"jimin, when I give you the instruction to order a laptop online for me, and i even send you the link to the very website, what do you do?" asked namjoon in a slow and almost patronizing voice. they both waited for jimin's answer; even jimin himself didn't know how to make himself not look stupid in this situation. jimin for sure would have expected his boss to take the shouting approach, but instead, he spoke these words slowly to him, as he wandered around the desk to meet jimin, just a few inches from his face. namjoon stepped so close to him, that it forced jimin to turn and lean against the desk as to not be pressed up against his boss. his entire body was tense with anxiety, barely enough air in his lungs to be able to speak at all.

"I-I buy the laptop-" he answered shakily.

while he was so scared of namjoon, scared for his job that he had literally just managed to get, he was also.. weirdly aroused by the whole ordeal. namjoon was an attractive man, and here jimin was, having his hot breath.. stroking against the deliciate skin of his beautiful neck and suddenly they were so close.

"right! so now tell me why you didn't, and instead brought an entirely different one just because it looked similar" he continued in a slightly more hushed voice this time. jimin was at a loss for what to say, both because namjoon's sizeable hand was now holding his chin firmly, forcing the assistant to keep eye contact as he spoke down to him. jimin could feel the way his pants were a lot tighter than before.

"come on, spit it out, sweetheart"

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