chug; ready now.

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// og post date: june 19th, 2020. nsfw. word count: 3,179. //


today, june 17th, marks the seventh month of charlotte and doug's relationship. throughout the time, they've learned a bit more about each other than before: the sleeping position they like, the dressing routine they do, and relating details like that. they don't necessarily celebrate these minor milestones, mainly waiting for the one-year mark to make it a huge deal; however, that didn't stop either of them from being giddy about it. doug still wakes up in the morning surprised to see they are next to a comfortable charlotte, dreaming away until her alarm alerts her she needs to get up. it was a wonderful feeling, seeing your favorite person that you call your lover and best friend every day without fail. they've been waiting for this for so long, and now that it is a daily thing, it doesn't seem real.
same could be said about charlotte; she wasn't used to having another person in bed in the beginning due to the lack of presence of her previous spouse. now, she can proudly say she is relieved to have someone by her side again.

since it was a wednesday, the office lady got off work at three in the afternoon, meaning she was able to return home earlier than usual; doug didn't open up their shop for this specific reason. that is a plus to owning your own business. on the road, she tried to think of some possible dinner options she can make, this being difficult as she was an anxious driver. she couldn't drive with any soft of noise, whether it be music from the radio or someone talking to her, she gets quite panicked and doesn't like to put herself or others in danger. she decided to wait until she was out of the car to bring it up with doug, hoping they didn't go to the store as they tend to shop on a random schedule.
pulling into the driveway, she discovered they were home and sitting on the front porch, looking down at whatever they were doing. carving a small item, most likely, thought charlotte to herself. she parked and turned off the car before hopping out, and greeted her partner that was invested in their craft. "who's that for?" she asked after they shared a short kiss, gaze fixated on one of the few parts of the project.

"your niece asked if i could make her a seal for her girlfriend," replied doug, as they blew off the wood shavings. "i guess she is majoring in marine biology."
"oh, yes! deb has talked to me about that, i find it nice alice loves sea animals. it already looks good, honey, she's going to love it." she encouraged, earning a smile from them. she watched as doug closed the utensil they were using and stood up on their feet, slipping it in their pocket.
"c'mon, i used the fruit in the garden to make smoothies so you had a snack when you came home." they led her inside of the house, shoes being kicked off near the door so dirt wasn't tracked around. the garden has been there during the era of charlotte's first marriage, she wanted to have her own fruits or vegetables instead of wasting so much money at the grocery store; to make things better, they are able to use these for their own personal use, or to sell at doug's shop - like small jars of jam, for example. she enjoyed making things for others, it wasn't too much of a surprise she asked them about having a section for the handmade sweetener.

charlotte set her purse down on the couch temporarily, following them to the kitchen. "i appreciate it, that sounds lovely right now." she smiled while noticing they were already pouring her a cup. by the color, she had to assume blueberries were the main ingredient, though once taking a sip she made it a challenge to see what else was mixed in.
"blueberry, strawberry, and... mango?"
"ding ding ding, three out of three," said doug, as they poured themself a glass. they gave her cheek a kiss as a prize for guessing the fruit right, charlotte giggling with delight from contact. "you're getting better with this game."
"what can i say, sugar? i have a special skill!" she finished off the smoothie and went to rinse it, last minute thinking it would be easier to completely wash it now than wait later when more dishes pile into the sink. whenever the blender's glass jug was empty of content, along with doug's cup, she didn't mind washing and drying them off before putting them away in their proper places. after that, they'd need to discuss an actual dinner for later - first, though, she wanted to bring her stuff to the room and relax.

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