rob & maxon; scheduled hangout.

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// og post date: august 18th, 2020. sfw. word count: 2,601. //


"you're leaving early?" asked sam, as he watched his former coworker stand up from the table. the trio — sam, rob, and doug — every now and again have lunch together since they don't work with one another anymore.
"yeah, my cousin is supposed to be visiting today and i promised to spend the afternoon with him," replied rob, as he took his garbage and tossed it in a nearby trash can. "he didn't tell me where to meet up, though."

"wait- you mean your cousin maxon? the one that was your best friend growing up?" questioned doug, scaring him a bit on how well they remembered such a small detail in a random conversation years ago. he simply nodded to confirm, and watched the others begin to smile.
"so we get to meet the katy perry fanatic! no offense, rob, but he always sounded gay to me," said sam, as he leaned back in his seat. he thought he was real clever for pulling that one out of his ass.

rob rolled his eyes and went to defend his cousin, though he heard someone from behind call his name.
ah, so his cousin found him. he turned around to face maxon, who was a few inches taller than him and always kept his goofy looking sunglasses and peip hat on. he was wearing a slightly over-large t-shirt with a band name written across it, this tucked into his odd work pants. he heard sam mutter something about his height to doug, then a snicker from doug.

"cuz! it's been way too long, i'm so happy we are able to hangout today, i have a lot of tea to catch up on with you! ooh, i might've gotten some of my peeps to stan the things i like, i think it's a real win-win situation we must get into!!" maxon spoke with enthusiasm, his rate of speech managed to withhold any stuttering or mispronouncing of words.
doug and sam had shocked expressions, they didn't even catch what he was talking about. rob found amusement whenever people who don't know maxon have to witness his behavior.

"it's great to see you, too, max. we can talk in the car, but first i want you to meet some of my friends," said rob, as he gestured to the former coworkers. "let me see your fidget cube so you can shake their hands."
"hello! you must be sam and doug, i've heard a lot about you two! this is exciting, i really gotta' chat about some of my favs one day!" exclaimed maxon, as he shook both of their hands with a grip neither expected to feel.

sam snatched his hand away after a second and rubbed his palm; "this should be considered assault of a cop." he grumbled before getting nudged by doug.
"shut up. it's very nice to meet you, rob mentioned you a few times before." they replied with a friendly smile in hopes he didn't notice what sam said. he didn't, in fact he seemed to be oblivious to the comment as he was given his cube back and clicked the many buttons on it.

"well, we only have a few hours– c'mon, i'm guessing you haven't eaten yet today?"
"oh cuz, you ask silly questions. but yes, i have not, i was just so thrilled to tell the colonel about seeing you i couldn't eat!" bounced maxon, his cartoony grin never falling. he was more animated than what the two observers thought, though doug liked it – the town didn't exactly have many characters that were always high-energy.

rob laughed slightly and offered a hand for him to hold; "i'll get you some fruit from the mall to snack on to hold you over 'til dinner, then."
"heck yeah, today is gonna' slap so hard!" replied maxon, completely ignoring the offer as he skipped towards the exit. rob told his friends goodbye for both him and maxon, waving as he departed, and left the place alongside him.
an iconic duo, some might call it.

"honestly, i don't know what i expected. rob is naturally loud and maxon seems to be, as well."
"dude, all i got from him was some weird slang and he didn't eat before visiting. at least rob knows when to stop speeding through his words," said sam, annoyed with the interaction. doug stared at him for a moment before chuckling, hard to tell out of joy or not.
"you are such a fucking asshole, bro."

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