mel & schaeff; that is not canon.*

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// og post date: november 3rd, 2020. sfw. word count: 1,743. //


a lazy sunday, where melissa gets to do nothing but laze around all day on her couch and watch silly little youtube videos on her roku television. she would doze in and out from time to time, mainly due to the boredom, even when a few music videos from a decade ago began to play. nothing too out of the ordinary, just a couple of fictional ladies singing in japanese that was heavily auto-tuned.
yes, it was quite a relaxing day, up until she almost had a heart attack at the sudden voice coming from behind her.

"you like this hate-sunny mike-cue shit, too? i thought i'd be able to escape the major's hellish interests here, but i assumed wrong." as expected, the low voice belonged to her colonel buddy, schaeffer. ignoring the rude comment about maxon, who she has only encountered once in her life, melissa sat up and pushed the blanket off of herself.
"could you for once be a normal friend and politely knock at my door? i lost count on how many times you've broken into my home, both through the front door and window!" she exclaimed, as she slipped her glasses back on her face. she could've worded that nicer, though it isn't as if the other is too sensitive for the sort of comments she stated every now and again.

"whatever, just turn this garbage off." she grunted in clear annoyance, not at all acknowledging the thousandth complaint of her repetitive crime. technically, it is not a crime if you are close friends with the owner of the apartment. schaeffer rounded the couch and plopped herself down in her favorite spot, watching the screen click out of the video thanks to melissa's doing. without even needing to demand what she wanted, her younger pal opened netflix and found one of the western films she enjoyed rewatching each time she visited.
it certainly was not as fun for the receptionist as it was for the colonel, but it is better to be finally together than worry about the activities they'd engage in.

as the opening credits began to form on the screen, something that has been burned into melissa's brain by force, she noticed a bit of movement from the corner of her eye. looking over, schaeffer had picked up one of the books on the disorganized coffee table that was in front of the duo; a confused expression formed on her hard face.
"this a cat?"
"yes, why?"
"i should be asking you that." she turned her head over to melissa, pointing at the cat drawing neatly placed at the center of the cover. "what the fuck is a 'warriors'?" that question caused a long, audible gasp come from the other woman - a type of reaction you'd have if you were told the most tragic news. but in this case, it was more offense than it was despair.

"i never told you about warriors? really? even after all these years of me knowing you?" pressed melissa, who was now getting riled up at the thought she never got the chance to ramble on about her favorite book series since she was twelve-years-old.
"kid, i'm 43, there is no way in hell i know what this kiddy shit is," grumbled schaeffer, as she tossed it on the table, which was snatched back up by her friend. it was an unnecessary gesture to keep schaeffer's attention, though it had worked since she began to stare at her.
why and how was she already acting like she committed a felony? she thought it was unfair for her to get so offended this early in the visit.

melissa grabbed the roku remote and paused the movie, ignoring the protest and profanity from schaeffer, then turned herself towards her. "it is about time you have some cultural education, schaeffer!" she straightened her back to appear like the bigger person, as if she was the one who runs the joint; the glare she received the entire time made her become a coward.
"due to my work, i am sure i know more on culture than you do. cats are not culture, they're... dumb animals we keep as pets," retorted schaeffer. it was easy to tell the hesitation indicated she attempted to think about a bigger adjective, but the gears just simply did not clank together.
"well-!" she started before turning the book over and scanning the back of it.

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