chug; take your time.

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// og post date: july 29th, 2020. sfw. word count: 1,978. //


finally, after all these years, they bought a ring. not just any ring, a special ring, for a special woman. doug has been visiting the local shop in town for an engagement ring for two months now, trying to find the perfect one that would be adored by their lover. she wasn't into being flashy, nor would she like to show off the expensive ring, but that doesn't mean she didn't deserve something nice.
the gold hoop in particular was just that: gold, thin, and three small diamonds attached like so - not at all something that would be distracting wherever she went. they could think about it now, the object symbolizing her future with them being worn as she knits or pets the cats. perhaps as she played one of her nintendo systems, or as she reads her favorite mystery novels; hell, they'd even be happy to see it put aside in a safe spot as she bakes or digs in the garden.

they caressed the little blue box in their hands with their thumb, staring down at the simple object that would either change their life for the better or worst. they can't imagine charlotte saying no to them, it would be highly unreasonable, but that devil on their shoulder is whispering that the woman was too good for them. how embarrassing that even to this day they couldn't shake the feeling that their girlfriend cannot possibly return their feelings of attraction - it's been years since the crush was developed, it's about time they shake off the voice screaming the negative thoughts.
doug pocketed their fate and climbed out of the car, and saw that charlotte was in the front yard taking one of their outside cats, fisher, for a stroll.

"oh, honey! hi! the soup is on the stove, if you're hungry, i just finished it a few minutes ago," greeted charlotte, as she waved over to her partner with glee. she may live with them and see them every single day, however that doesn't stop her from taking a moment too long to admire their existence. seriously, who gave them the right to look so good? that mixed in with a caring, loving personality made her stomach flip and chest flutter.
"thank you, baby, maybe i'll help you out with these front plants after i eat?" said doug, as they walked up to her and pointed at the bed besides the porch stairs. they were green carnations, one of her favorite flowers, and they appear to be mixing with the white lilies. fisher, though, seemed to like it as she rolled at the very edge of the flowerbed and sniffed at them.

"my, that would be very sweet of you! please, go eat the food first, then we can figure out what to do with the home of our frog friends." she shooed her significant other away towards the house then went back to helping fisher go on her quick adventure. doug listened to her and went up to the front door, entering through and looking around the home. the dining room was just as they always wanted a dining room to be set up as: a large, dark brown table that can have six guests sit around it, an abstract painting on the wall parallel to the wide window, and a tall potted tree pushed in the corner closest to the window that more than likely needs to be watered. they smiled then traveled to the kitchen, inhaling the scent of the soup charlotte made.
as they grabbed a bowl and began to fill it up with the dinner, they began to realize what comes with a proposal... a long speech to go with it.

if it wasn't known before, doug isn't exactly good with their words. their love language doesn't include opening their mouth and letting an informative essay explaining why they have so much appreciation for the other; in fact, the most they do is give an excessive amount of affection and gifts. they had to be smart about this, and carefully choose what words and phrases to say. afterall, this was something the couple would remember for a long time.
they put a few spoonfuls into their mouth and took in the flavor, closing their eyes to enjoy the mix of the broth and vegetables. god, if only they could come up with the right descriptions for what they were thinking. they took the spoon out of their mouth and chewed, and kept their gaze down at smokey eating away at her own dinner.

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