Lui x reader (Repay)

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Here you go, its has been like 16-19 hours and !7! views! Don't worry, I will try to update every week. 


Y/N= your name

L/N= last name

BU/N= Bully's name

E/C= Eye color

K/N= kidnapper name

F/C= favorite color



"HAHA, you may be a gOoD BlAdEr and a FaMoUs SiNgEr but you are always stupid and weak!" BU/N laughed. I could feel tears run down my cheeks, this had been the 3rd time this week. As I opened my E/C eyes, I can see BU/N's short light blue hair going away.

He must have left.  It started raining hard all of a sudden, it was cold but i didn't care, I was too heartbroken by his words to feel anything else but sadness and pain. I got up and ran, I didn't know where I was running. I just ran.

As I running through the rain, I heard splashes and footsteps behind me. I turned my head but not my body, I needed to still keep running. 

It was raining so my vision was blurry, I saw a bit of light blue hair just like BU/N, a white and teal outfit on the boy.

No, why is he following me? Ugg, just run Y/N! No need for pity thoughts.

I can hear the splashes and footsteps getting louder and louder. Shit! this person is fast. 

I got an idea, I saw a large blurry puddle on front of me. I charged at the puddle, water splashed at the person.  

Looking back at the person was not an option, I must keep running forward. I took a sharp right turn, for there was an alleyway I could hide in. 

While I was running in the alley way, I tripped over something causing me to fall. I looked back at what tripped me, it was a small not so innocent rock. 

I tried to get back up, but kept on failing. My muscles felt sore, i felt weak. My eyelids closed completely. 

I could feel someone pick me up bridal style, I could feel shelter over me, I could feel a blanket warmth. 

(Waking up)

I could feel a shirtless chest touching me on my back, wait... i'm in men's clothing! WHO CHANGED ME?! 

I turned my head around to only see... blue hair. I quietly got up and searched for my phone, wherever it is. "Where do you think your going?!" the blue haired boy said. I slowly turned around to see... LUI?!

Flashback 1

"Come on you slow poke!" little Y/N said as she raced against little Lui. "I will never lose to you!" little Lui said. They ran and ran on the grassfield. The goal is just a feet away. Lui started to speed up, he crossed the finish line before Y/N.

"Aww man, I lost for the second time. We can still go again, mommy and daddy are inside watching TV," Y/N said. "Let's just lay on the grass to rest up right now," Lui said as he rolled on the ground. Y/N got onto the ground as well.

They slowly closed their eyes. Suddenly a man in all black clothing took Lui and ran away. "LUIIIIIII!!!" Y/N yelled. She got up on her feet and grabbed the large strong stick they left on the side.

 She started running after him fast as a cheetah. "Holy shit- shes fast," K/N worriedly said to himself. Y/N growed like a Tiger while chasing the kidnapper that was holding little Lui, who was scared on what was going to happen next.

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