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Summer camp in America was a completely foreign concept to Katya, quite literally. Her father and his brother had expanded their company, and had agreed that her dad would run the new LA office. This meant Katya would be moving from Russia to America after the summer.

New school, new country, new language, new everything.

Therefor her mom had come up with the brilliant idea that Katya should be shipped off to summer camp while her parents moved in and got the LA office up and running.

"It will be fun Kathinka, you can make friends, learn the language, it's perfect!"

Her mother had stated after reading up on Camp Wonder. Katya had begrudgingly agreed after her mom had stated that if the girl refused, she would need to get an A on every english test for the next 6 months, something that was close to impossible considering Katya's english skills were very limited.

There were aspects of living in the US that the blue eyed girl was however excited about, mainly that being gay wasn't as taboo as it was back in Russia. Katya's parents were luckily accepting and loved her despite her sexuality, but the girl was still convinced that it had played a part in their decision to leave Mother Russia behind.

So here Katya was, sitting in a luxurious limo, about to spend 4 weeks at a summer camp situated a couple miles outside of LA, the city she'd be living in soon.

Why her father had insisted on sending her in a limo was incomprehensible. She knew it would grab everyone's attention, something she was far from a fan of.

Her driver walked around to open her door and Katya could see that a crowd of curious teenagers had gathered already.

Great - she thought.

Many of them whispered amongst themselves as Katya emerged dressed in a short, tight, long sleeved black dress with a silver zipper which went down the entire front, and was currently pulled down enough to show the top of her bra. She grabbed her backpack and was handed her suitcase, silently thanking herself for insisting on combat boots instead of heels when her feet touched the muddy ground.

Her mother had said that boots weren't appropriate for a lady, but Katya had stood her ground stating that heels weren't appropriate for a camper.

She looked towards her driver, who was chatting with a dark haired woman who clearly worked at the camp. Katya walked over whilst dragging her fingers through her long blonde hair to undo some knots she had gotten from traveling.

"Hello, my name is Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova. This is Camp Wonder, no?" She asked the woman, her Russian accent thick, clearly grabbing the attention of some campers.

"Yes, I just spoke with your father. I'm so happy you decided to join us for the summer. I'm Michelle Visage, co-owner and head councillor here." She said giving the blonde girl a smile. Katya only nodded in response.

"Where I must go?" The Russian asked.

"Just stay right here, in a minute we'll inform everyone of where you'll be staying." Ms. Visage explained. Katya nodded in understanding and watched Michelle make her way to a small stage.

"I will get going Miss Zamolodchikova, unless you require further assistance?" Her driver said.

"No, that is okay. Have safe trip." The blue eyed girl replied, to which the driver nodded before taking off, leaving Katya alone.

She wasn't lonesome for long tho as a muscular boy walked over to her moments after.

"You new here limo-girl?" He asked. Katya looked at him, he was quite handsome, at least she was sure anyone interested in men would define him as that.

"Yes, I am new to America actually." The Russian spoke, starting to detest how strong her accent was and how limited her vocabulary was. She was used to going on long tangents, using big words, talking non-stop when something interested her. But in English she had no way of doing that.

"Oh really? That's cool, where are you from originally?" The boy asked.


"Wow, that's awesome. I'm Andrew by the way, Andrew Yang." He reached out his hand for the girl to take.

"Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova, but you can call me Katya." She said, shaking his hand.

"Katya sounds good, don't think I can say your full name, it's beautiful tho." He stated with a laugh.

"Yes I know, not to worry, no one ever says Yekaterina, all people call me Kathinka or Katya. Katya most times. Yekaterina is only when mother will yell at me." This made him laugh which made Katya relax more and laugh aswell.

Suddenly the sound of a trumpet, played very off-key, called on everyone's attention.

"Welcome to Camp Wonder, or as we say; welcome to our World of Wonder. I'm Michelle, head councillor, and this is Pete who'll inform you of this year's room arrangements. I see many familiar faces here, but we also have some new campers so we've tried to place new campers with experienced campers. I trust that all experienced campers will help our new friends settle in. Right Pete, I'll leave it to you." Michelle, which Katya figured it was now okay to call her, said before walking off the stage. This left only a brown haired, bearded councillor dressed in shorts, the man which Michelle had referred to as Pete.

"Welcome campers. Let's get you divided into your rooms, shall we? Okay! Cabin 1, room 1; Adore Delano and Courtney Act...."

The list of attendees went on and on. Katya picked up some names tho, apparently there was a Violet, someone named Pearl, a boy named Jeff, a girl named Monet who in Katya's opinion was absolutely gorgeous, a girl named Bob which confused Katya a lot, and a firecracker of a person named Alyssa. At some point tho, Katya had stopped paying attention and was just chatting with Andrew instead.

"Room 2, cabin 26; Ron Hill and Andrew Yang." Pete yelled out.

"Well, that's me, see you around Katya." Andrew said before walking towards his cabin.

"Cabin 28, room 1; Amy Doan and Kim Chi. Room 2, cabin 28; Ye-eka-atherina Petrouvnae Zamo-Zamoloadkikouva and Beatrice Mattel." Katya couldn't help but laugh at how the man had butchered her name. She started walking towards her cabin with only one thought in mind tho;

Who is Beatrice Mattel? 

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