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"Okay whores, time for truth or dare." A girl named Violet said as everyone settled in a circle around her.

The campfire had died out and the campers had all gathered in cabin number 1 which housed Adore and Courtney. One of the girls in their cabin hadn't shown up to registration and that girl's roommate had gone home on the second day, so Adore and Courtney had ended up having the whole cabin to themselves.

"Oh, I wanna go first!" Adore said.

"You always go first." Monét replied, rolling her eyes. 

"Yes because I always have the best questions."

"Fine, Adore starts." Violet said with a sigh before sitting down in the circle.

"Party! Okay... who's gonna be this year's first victim. Oooh I know! Katya!" 

Katya didn't have a full understanding of what the game was, but she still felt like that moment would've been a fitting time for the ground to swallow her up. Adore had a sparkle in her eye that made the Russian quite scared of what was to come. 

"So truth or dare?" Adore asked.

"Uhh... truth?"

"Pussy, well it's your first game, so fair enough. What were your first thoughts when you met Trixie?" The dark haired girl said.

If Katya didn't want the ground to swallow her up before, she most definitely wanted it now. Her cheeks were burning red, her throat dry and closing up.


"What's the matter, Katya? Cat got your tongue?" Violet teased, clearly amused by the Russian's lack of response.

What was she supposed to say? Should she explain how Trixie's body was out of this world, how Katya loved her thick thighs and long legs, how her large breasts had made her salivate? 

No, absolutely not. 

There was something she could say tho, it would be unbearably embarrassing to admit and Trixie could still find her creepy, but it was still the truth. Katya cracked her knuckles and took a deep breath, a shaking sound escaping her lips as she breathed out again.

"I thought she was more beautiful than any other woman in whole world." 

"Oooooh!" The whole room exclaimed as Trixie blushed a deep crimson color.

Katya felt her own cheeks grow warm and so she quickly kept the game moving by daring Courtney to run around the cabin in only her underwear, a challenge the girl did confidently.

The game continued for a while, and just when Katya thought she was in the clear and that the cabin had forgotten all about her little confession, Violet was ready to make them all remember.

"Trixie, truth or dare?" The girl asked with a smirk.

"Dare." Trixie said, trying her best to sound confident.

She was never one to be chicken in truth or dare, always the first to call out those who played it safe, and she wasn't gonna start now, she thought, no matter how much Katya's words had affected her.

"Bold as always. Let's see how brave you are, huh? I dare you to sit in Katya's lap and makeout with her for at least 1 minute." Violet said smugly.

"No problem." Trixie replied as she stood up, trying to keep up her strong facade even tho she was internally freaking out.

"Wait a second, you didn't let me finish, you also have to stay in Katya's lap for the rest of the game."


Katya barely managed to register the reply of the Barbie-doll, her mind too overwhelmed by the fact that she'd get to kiss the soft-looking lips of the insanely beautiful and incredibly sexy girl that stood before her.

Trixie slowly made her way over to the Russian girl, nervous hands tapping against her thighs as she walked.

"You okay with this?" She asked the girl.

"Да, v-very okay, yes." Katya responded, stumbling over her words in a way the Barbie found to be absolutely adorable.

"Don't be nervous." Trixie said with a warm smile, knowing how hypocritical the sentence was as she herself was practically shaking.

"It is hard to not be." The Russian said in a softer tone than before, a look of admiration filling her eyes as the other blonde straddled her. "You really are very beautiful, Trixie." She added in a whisper, brushing the girl's hair softly before cupping her cheek.

"You are too, Katya."

And with that barely audible response, their lips met, a warmth filling both their hearts as they melted into eachother, moving in perfect harmony.

Their kisses started soft, both making careful movements as they tested the waters, but soon a heat grew in their stomachs and it turned passionate and rushed.

Katya's hands went down to grab Trixie's hips, pulling her impossibly closer, whilst Trixie's arms wrapped themselves around the Russian's shoulders, desperate fingers tugging on the girl's blonde locks.

"Whooo, I think I'm gonna need a fan, it's getting hot in here!" Monét exclaimed, earning her a shove in the shoulder from Adore who had wanted to let the lovebirds continue for as long as they wanted.

But Trixie and Katya soon split apart, both sporting beet-red cheeks and swollen lips.

"Monét!" Adore said in an annoyed tone.

"What? They were about to rip eachothers clothes off, someone had to intervene." The girl replied with a laugh.

"Aaaw, don't worry Adore, I'm sure they'll be right back at it when we head back to our cabin." Kim said.

"Kim!" Trixie yelled out in embarrassment, but why that was, she really couldn't say. She used to be chill about hookups, not bothering what people knew or didn't know about it, but for some reason it felt different with Katya.

Katya... Katya she wanted to keep to herself.

"You know it's true!" Kim yelled back, laughing as she spoke.

Trixie started to move off of Katya's lap, ready to chase after her best friend, but  Violet soon stopped her.

"Where do you think you're going? I dared you to stay there, so you better stay seated." The dark-haired girl said.

"Oh right." Trixie whispered to herself, her blush deepening as she sat back down, sending Katya a sheepish smile.

"So it seems you must stay with me, Barbie." Katya said with a cheeky smile.

"Mhmm, I guess I've gotta. But you know what?" Trixie said, her smile widening, the Russian never failing to make her feel comfortable.


"Somehow I don't mind that at all."

"Well then I have secret to tell." Katya said with a broad smile as she wrapped her arms around the doll's waist again.

"Tell me." Trixie said with sparkling eyes.

"I also do not mind."

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