Health & Fitness

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The next day after breakfast and general information they were allowed to pick between a couple different activities on each section of the day, starting out with either horseback riding or archery.

"So, whatya gonna pick?" Trixie asked the Russian next to her. They'd been acting almost as if they were glued together, the doll never letting the newcomer slip out of sight for long.

"Archery is bow with arrow, correct?" Katya asked, awkwardly mimicking the motion.

"Yeah, that's archery." 

"Well then that is thing I will do." The Russian stated confidently. 

"Okay cool, I'll be horseback riding, I've been terrified of archery ever since I almost shot a councillor in my first year." Trixie said with a laugh.

"Well, I think horse is more scary, so I will hope I do not kill anyone with arrow." 

"I love horses, I grew up on a farm so riding is like second nature." The doll replied.

Katya cursed her brain for immediately thinking of another kind of riding, her mind quickly filling with visions of Trixie on top of her. Whilst many porn sites were banned in Russia, she had friends who had managed to make great collections of american porn, some of which she had watched when she was questioning her sexuality, which had taught her how certain seemingly innocent words could have a completely different meaning in another setting. 

"That is cool." Katya answered after a pause that went on for far too long, however the brown-eyed girl didn't comment on it.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later, I better go saddle up. The archery range is just down the road to the right of the mess hall, you can't miss it." 

Trixie had an odd sort of country charm despite living what Katya was sure was a glamorous life in Malibu for years. She was cute as a button and as stubborn as a mule, and the Russian found herself completely captivated by the doll. 

"I will see you later, Trixie." Katya replied with a smile before they parted ways.

The directions she had been provided with easily lead Katya to the archery range, there she found a girl with long black hair, ripped fishnets, a band t-shirt, black denim shorts, and a red flannel tied around her waist already geared up and shooting arrows like a pro. Further up the range a couple other campers were getting instructions by a councilor who seemed to get increasingly annoyed by their lack of understanding. 

"Woah..." Katya said in amazement as she watched the girl nail another shot.

"Pretty good, huh?" The girl said with a broad smile as she turned around. "Oh wait, you're Trixie's new roommate right?"

"Yes, I am Katya. Well, Yekaterina, but everyone will say Katya." 

"Party! I'm Adore." The girl said, awkwardly pulling off the finger protector she was wearing in order to shake Katya's hand.

"It is nice to meet you. You know Trixie well?"

"Oh yeah, we joined camp the same year, so we go way back. Are you getting along alright?" Adore asked as she put the protector back on.

"Ye-yes.. it is good." Katya said feeling her cheeks heat up a little.

"Oh my god, you're already whipped for her! I see that blush!" 

"Sshhhh, it is not like so, I... she is different.. it is.. we work so easy together." 

"Okay, whatever you say, but I can one hundred percent see you two hooking up. You're exactly her type, you know?" Adore said, taking her aim once again.

"Her type?" Katya asked curiously.

"Hot blonde with an accent." The other girl said mischievously before releasing the arrow and hitting another 10. Katya blushed a deep crimson as her mind went back to Trixie describing her accent as hot, and she wondered for a moment if someone like Trixie really could be interested in someone like her. 

The councilor walked over to them, noticing that Katya had just been watching the activity instead of participating. 

"Hi there hon, do you need any help? Any explanations? Have you done archery before?" The councilor asked.

"We're good Cheryl, thanks. I'll show her the ropes." Adore stated.

"Perfect, thanks." Cheryl said, breathing deeply before she returned to her other students who were still completely unable to grasp the basic principles. 

"Cheryl is great name, my grandfather once shot racoon and made hat for me, I gave eyes to it with glue, but I have not been able to give name. Now I think Cheryl will be good." 

"You're weird, I love that." Adore said with a broadening smile before she started her instructions. "So.. basics, put on the protection thingies and grab the bow, arrows are next to you as you can see."

Katya followed the instructions, putting everything on as it was placed on Adore and picking up the surprisingly heavy bow. The dark haired girl then stepped behind her to position her body and correct her form once the Russian had placed an arrow on the string.

"Okay so keep your shoulder down but make sure to push your elbow fully back, keep your back straight and your legs apart." Adore instructed. "Good." She added once Katya was in the correct position.

Just then a familiar blonde came riding by behind the archery range, her eyes immediately finding her friend who had her hands all over her new roommate. Trixie hated the small surge of jealousy that she could feel running through her. She knew Katya wasn't Adore's type at all and she also knew that she had no right to feel jealous, and yet seeing someone else be so close to Katya made her feel weird.

"Okay, now let it fly." Adore told Katya.


"Let go, shoot, whatever you wanna call it." The girl clarified. 

Katya took a deep breath before she released the arrow shooting it directly to a solid 8. She smiled broadly once she saw that she had hit the target and laughed in glee from the wonderful feeling.

"Oh my god, that was awesome, Katya!" Adore said, throwing her arms around the Russian, pulling her into a hug. 

Little did they know that behind them a doll was looking sadly on the over-affectionate display, wishing to herself that she could be in Adore's carefree shoes and that she was the one who got to hug the fascinating and beautiful Russian girl. 

"Trixie, you coming?" Amy asked, having halted a couple feet further up the road after noticing how her friend had stopped riding entirely.

"Huh? Oh yes, yeah, I'll be right there." Trixie said, quickly riding up to rejoin her friend again.

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