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Love is more than simple infatuation, and Trixie had learned that the hard way. Infatuations fade away quickly, and although they hurt for a while, you'll eventually move on and get a new crush. Infatuations hold no guarantee, but love, love holds promises of everlasting affection.

That's why Trixie was haunted by the emotion, unable to escape.

Trixie and Katya had stayed in touch, but they weren't the same as before. Life had pulled them in different directions and so the calls became fewer and farther between.
But no matter what happened, nothing could replace what they'd had.
No one could ever replace Katya in Trixie's heart.

Katya was special.

She had something in her that no else had. Some magical spark that made her impossibly charming and incredibly strange at the same time. What they had just couldn't be recreated.

Within Trixie every memory of them lived on, painted in vivid colors. Katya was her reason for everything, her reason for heartbreak and her reason to keep going. From the moment Katya had entered her life, she had become her world. And despite not seeing the Russian for years, Trixie held onto the hope that Katya would eventually find her way back to her.

Every single day she'd waited for Katya to call her with news about the Russian moving to the US, but it never came, and Trixie was struggling to not just give up on hoping it ever would. But she kept forcing herself not to, kept forcing herself to keep believing.

Trixie sat down her last box in her new dorm. The entire room was filled with her own stuff, not a single sign of the doll's supposed roommate. She didn't mind it though, she liked the quiet, liked being able to breathe freely.

College was gonna be a new adventure, and with any luck; a fresh start. She could use that, could use a reset button. Life hadn't been bad, she'd graduated with amazing grades and she became valedictorian, not that her parents cared much. But ever since she watched Katya drive away, she had felt incomplete, as if a part of her was missing.

With tears in her eyes she started putting her pictures on the walls, most of which were of Katya. It hurt to see them, but it hurt more to not see her at all. Just as she was balancing on her bed to put up the one from the campfire, she heard footsteps behind her.

"Who is that very beautiful blonde in all of your photos? She must be an amazing and extremely fascinating person. Looks a little crazy though, you should be careful." A female voice spoke jokingly.

That voice.
That accent.
It couldn't be?

Trixie turned around and nearly fell of the bed when she saw who it was.

"Katya.." She whispered, still not fully convinced that the Russian truly was there.

"Hi кукла, I have missed you." Katya said with a smile, but there were tears threatening to escape her eyes.

"Katya!" Trixie yelled out in joy, throwing herself in the Russian's arms so quickly that Katya barely had a chance to drop her bags on the floor.

Wrapped in eachothers arms they finally felt whole again, their hearts finally finding rest. Nothing could compare to the feeling of being together again, to hold eachother again, kiss eachother again. The pain that had surrounded them finally loosing it's grip and falling to the ground.

"How are you here?" Trixie asked.

"I am here for college, I'm your new roommate!"


"Yes, as soon as you told me where you had applied to I applied to the same places. I promised I would try my hardest to return to you, remember?" Katya explained.

Trixie couldn't believe how much work Katya had done behind the scenes, how much time she'd spent on making sure they'd see eachother again. She was overcome with joy and so suddenly the words she had kept hidden slipped out;

"I love you."

"You... you what?" Katya asked in shock, needing to hear the words again to make sure that what she'd heard was real.

"I love you, Katya." Trixie said, nervously awaiting the other girl's response.

"I love you too. God, I love you so much, Trixie." Katya said before pulling Trixie into a kiss.

Finally, after years of waiting, their stars were in the same universe again. And together they would shine brighter than ever before, glow like a campfire against a midnight sky.

And no matter where they'd end up in the future, they knew they'd go together.

For together was where they belonged.

A/N: Thank you for enjoying and supporting this story! I have a new story called "Sign On The Line" out now! And I will soon start work on another trixya story called "Her Only Weakness". I've also got a ton of other trixya stories and some originals, so please check them out!

- Annie

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