The Watcher (cc. 970 B.C.)

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I hurled myself out of Heaven in 970 B

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I hurled myself out of Heaven in 970 B.C., the same year King David died. That's also when I got my first blowjob. It was a good year.

The events that led to my downfall began 2500 years after my brother, Lucifer, and all of our likeminded angelic associates split from Heaven and formed their own kingdom in Hell. I wasn't a part of that Fall, though. I'd liked Lucifer well enough when we were both angels, but I wasn't into that whole rebellion scene. Didn't like to rock the boat. Not until 970 B.C., anyway.

I was known as the Angel Cathetel back then, and was a designated 'Watcher.' A Watcher's duty is to protect humanity by observing them and reporting their actions, sins, and triumphs back to Heaven. Other angels would then use that information to supposedly help humanity, though all I ever really saw them do was start wars. 

I don't know, it wasn't my job. My job was just to watch. I wasn't supposed to interfere or even interact with humanity.

You'd think an angel who spends all of their time watching humans would grow to care for them, but that was not the case. I had about as much love for humanity as any other angel. Which is to say, not a whole lot.

(No offense, darling, you know you're my favorite.)

Yes, I know, God commanded the angels to love mankind. And we—I mean, they—do. The way they love humans, however, is similar to the way you love your sexist, racist, bigoted Uncle Tommy: He's family, so of course you care about the man, but would you say that you like him?

That's how I felt about humans.

But that was before Asher. 

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