Wheels & Eyes

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"Blasphamy?" Samyaza exclaimed, incredulous

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"Blasphamy?" Samyaza exclaimed, incredulous.

I cringed. Or rather, I would have, if I had a body.

Angels and demons don't 'talk,' per se. We can speak all earthly languages—thanks, Tower of Babel—but we don't possess the necessary parts to make tangible noises in our true forms. It's more like we conversate with each other telepathically.

(Wheels and eyes? Uh, yeah, I guess that's close to how I looked. I definitely had like, way too many eyes. A fuckton of eyes. For all the Watching, you see.)

Samyaza was...well, if you know anything about the Book of Enoch, you know who Samyaza is. But before all that happened, Samyaza was the head angelic Watcher. They were my boss.

And I was in so much fucking trouble.

"Blasphamy!" Samyaza continued. Heaven rumbled at the sound of their horrific and powerful voice. "What were you thinking, Cathetel? You're an angel!"

"I wasn't thinking," I replied.

Samyaza growled in my disembodied mind.

"I mean, I was thinking, but not really."

"You cannot baffle me," Samyaza snarled.

"It was hyperbole?" I tried.

"What were you doing with that human, anyway?"

"You... you weren't Watching?" Startlingly, I found that I was nervous. Asher was right, it was creepy knowing that an unknown entity might have been spying on us kissing.

"No one Watches you, Cathetel," Samyaza said dismissively, reminding me that I was the least important angel in possession of wings. "So, what were you doing when this...incident...happened?"

"I was learning about sex."

"Sex?" Samyaza yelped.

"Asher—" I began, but quickly corrected myself, as no angels take the time to learn the names of humans who aren't predestined to be important.  "Um, the human was teaching me."

"Cathetel," Samyaza said at last, their voice flat. I could feel the judgmental weight of their one-hundred eyes on me."What is wrong with you?"

"God wants us to love the humans!"

"Not like that."

"Has He specifically said anything against spending more time with a particular human?" I demanded.

"You're supposed to love them all equally," Samyaza replied, dodging the question.

"Well, I think that's stupid," I said.

For the first time in the history of creation, Samyaza was stunned into silence.

"You can't possibly love all of them equally," I continued brashly. "Some of them are murderers, or rapists, or thieves, or just slovenly. Why shouldn't we love the ones who deserve it more?"

"Careful, Cathetel," Samyaza warned. "You are inches from treachery. Do you want to fall?"

I stayed silent.

(What? You know as an angel, I couldn't lie.)

(...I mean, I didn't want to fall, but...)


(No. I didn't.)

"Cathetel," Samyaza repeated. "Do you want to fall?"

"No," I said. "Of course not."


Regardless of whether or not that was my first lie, Samyaza seemed to believe it.

"Since it has never been tried and may be of some benefit to have such knowledge, Samyaza  grumbled, I will not stop you from continuing your 'lessons.' But blasphemy, saying your Creator's commands are 'stupid,' and learning about lustful acts from a human...Cathetel, you are walking a fine line."

"I know."

"We cannot afford to lose any more of our number to that traitor below," Samyaza reminded me.

"I will be careful."

"See that you are."

Sensing that the meeting was over, I gave Samyaza a short, respectful spin of my wheels and began to exit stage right.

"Where are you going?" Samyaza demanded after me.

And because I was becoming a very rebellious little shit, I looked over my flaming wheel-of-a-shoulder and replied: "I'm going to go carefully fuck that human."

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