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The author of "Fallen Star" is going on a road trip, so the story will continue in July 2021! Feel free to leave comments/reach out personally if you want to chat about the story before then

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The author of "Fallen Star" is going on a road trip, so the story will continue in July 2021! Feel free to leave comments/reach out personally if you want to chat about the story before then. Otherwise, see ya in July! 😁


Hello! Breaking hiatus briefly, because I'm super excited to announce that "Fallen Star" won 1st place in the Paranormal/Horror category in the Carnation Awards! Woo!

The judge who reviewed "Fallen Star" said:

'"Fallen Star" was definitely not what I expected, and I mean that in a good way. With the influx of angel forbidden love tropey stories which are beginning to sound like one another, this was a breath of fresh air. Quirky, weird, and sexy. I liked it and would totally recommend it.'

Thanks so much to the judges and organizers of the Carnations Awards for their king words, and for their hard work on this event.

A special shoutout to @NinoLahiffe101 for their hard work on this most excellent new cover for the story! :)

Okay, going back to my road trip itinerary. Thanks, everyone!


Whew. Okay. So.

It is obviously not July anymore, and I obviously did not update this story in the timeline I set. I do apologize for this profusely.

To say that "a lot has happened" since the end of my road trip would be a disservice to the phrase. I will just say that the road trip ended with a sudden death in my husband's family, which kickstarted a whirlwind of both good and bad life events. Example: We bought a house (good!) and then my dog unexpectedly died (bad!). So on, so forth.

That being said, there is a light at the end of this proverbial tunnel. We move into our house in two weeks, which should mark the end of the insanity that has been my life for the last few months.

I promise there is more to come for this story, and I've even started writing a pseudo-sequel to it already. Hopefully, the rest of this story will be posted by September/October 2021.

If you're still hanging in to see the end of "Fallen Star," I super appreciate you and promise that you will not be disappointed!! This has been a fun and exciting story to write, and I can't wait to give you guys to final chapters.

Stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks. Thanks for being awesome!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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