IX. Grass and Blood

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there are like 69 plot points and I dont even remember what day it is in the story so like

pretend that there is chronological consistency just like...ignore that there may be some time skips idk lol (I just marathoned the xmen movies..i think their timeline inconsistency is rubbing off on me). Pretend it's Wednesday. :)

Also, I don't play football and know literally nothing about how the players work....so just pretend that I do guys; just pretend what happens can canonically happen in football...

Funnily enough, the way Odysseus dealt with stress is to overdo his homework to the point of receiving 110 per cent on his most recent test. Staring at the red number on the piece of paper in front of him, he didn't notice his friends approaching him at the table in the cafeteria.

"I swear Mr Hades hates me because how on earth did I get %7 on the test? It was true or false and it's statistically shown for people to get %50 if they guess the entire thing, which I did," Menelaos' voice became heard and Odysseus flinched.

"Good news and bad news," Agamemnon said as they all sat around Odysseus. 

Odysseus blinked. "What's the bad news?"

"Good news is that the football team is open for new players," Clytemnestra began.

"Bad news is that Hector's being expelled," Penelope finished. "Don't worry, I've already written up an article for the newsletter this Friday,"

"Expelled?" Odysseus's finger curled around his pen. "Why?"

"It's ridiculous," Clytemnestra fumed. "Paris went and sneakily hinted at my parent's that he had blackmailed Helen into dating her so when they confronted him for more information he lied saying that it was Hector who drugged Helen,"

"That's ridiculous," 

"What do we do? Hector's one of our main players and with Achilles gone-" Menelaos glanced at the blond who was sitting with Patroculous and some playing cards.

"As much as the game on Friday is important, we can't let Hector take the fall for his brother," Clytemnestra frowned.

"Will he get expelled? I mean, his dad, the principal, has always been reluctant to suspend or expel the Priam sons for the reputation," Odysseus questioned.

"Nothing this bad has happened before. He's obligated to do something even if it's his son," Penelope sighed.

"Not a bad tactic from Paris to assure his claimed innocence," Odysseus shrugged. "If we can get Helen to go and expose him Hector should be alright,"

"We already spoke to Helen, she can't say anything because her parents think they've got everything under control. She's tried but they keep saying she's trying to 'protect' Hector and that they know best," Clytemnestra explained. "It's a whole thing,"

"What do we do about the game though, without Hector or Achilles' we're stuffed," Agememnon frowned.

The conversation dialled down as Hector approached their table. His eyes didn't look directly at any of them. "I suppose you heard what's happening,"

"Yeah, you've tried to say that Paris is lying?" Patrocles asked.

"Of course," Hector shook his head in annoyance. "No one is believing us, or Helen. Paris has the adults all wrapped up in his lies," He faced Patrocles and Diomedes. "But don't worry about the game. I guess my dad doesn't want our team to lose or our school reputation will be further tainted. I'll still be playing but I think I'm gone by the end of the week,"

Agamemnon seemed relieved, ignorant to Hector's situation.

"That's messed up," Clytemnestra sighed.

Odysseus stood up, "Hector, this situation is unfortunate, but the fight isn't over yet. I have spoken to Agamemnon and Menelaus, we have figured out that Paris has a weakness of boastfulness. He will not hesitate to taunt us, what we need to do is get him to do that in front of the teachers and parents. We will try our best to help you, and..." Helen. "-and Paris will get what he deserves,"

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