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Hi. I'm Percy Jackson, or Perseus but most people call me Percy. A long time ago, in a previous life, I was killed by Orion. You mortals are probably thinking that Orion seduced Artemis or something.But the thing is she wasn't, Orion wanted to fight ME for the love of Artemis. But Artemis loved someone already but nobody knew that except her hunter Zoe and her brother Apollo.So long story short Orion knew he was going to lose and I was about to kill him, But being the idiot person he was said 'If I can't have her then nobody can' , so he tried to kill Artemis but me being the stupid guy I was decided to save her then I died. I know harsh right. See I had partial immortality but I could die in combat. The last thing I heard was her beauitiful voice calling me stupid.Then I blacked out. So this is the Story of me being reborn to fight Kronos AND to find Artemis. Man do the fates HATE me!

Perseus Lover of ArtemisWhere stories live. Discover now