Going Back

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Artemis yanked my arm back and shouted "NO!" Everybody looked our way surprised by the goddess' fierceness. I was sure I was looking angry. I was about to open my mouth and start yelling when Artemis said quietly "not here." She pulled me away into her tent and started to talk while I was still fuming. "Calm down Perseus, she can't know anything."

"Well why the hades not!" I said yelling, pretty sure everybody could here me.

"Because Zeus has declared it for her safety" Artemis replied in a soft tone. I was stumped "for her safety, what do you mean?" I said.

"DO you know how many monsters want revenge on you?" She continued to rant. "You ungrateful prat, you weren't here to help so I had to raise her while you were in the UNDERWORLD!"

As she said this I jerked back as if I had been slapped, then relization came upon me. I had caused it she wasn't safe if I was here. All monsters would be after my daughter if she knew about me.

"Oh" I replied in a small voice.

"Yeah, Oh" She said. I took a deep breath to calm myself. I didn't even think about, that if the monsters knew that she is MY daughter they would attack her, or worse kill her.

"I'm sorry Arty, I didn't know" my heart ached, I wish I never died then I would be with my family away.

I bowed and said "I'm sorry milady, I didn't mean to question your actions, I am just worried is all about our daughter." Artemis looked at me as I stood up again. She looked so full of sorrow and longing I guess you could say. I knew she wanted to say things to me but there is just not enough words sometimes.

She wordlessly walked away and went to he bag that was aganist the pole that held the tent up and took a picture out and gave it to me.

"Is this-" I stopped, I stared at the baby picture which I was sure It was of Luna when she was 5-6 years old. Artemis nodded and we were both silent for a while until I said " Arty I'm sorry, you know for not being there for her and you."

Artemis just said "It's okay Perseus, It wasn't your fault" she took a big breath then looked disgusted for a second and said "Apollo will be here soon, I called him saying the hunters and a few demigods needed a ride to camp half-blood."

I nodded silently, then I suddenly grinned, my best god friend is coming soon. Artemis saw the look on my face and said "Oh NO, you are NOT racing Apollo AGAIN"

"Remember last time, you broke two ribs and broke both of your arms after you fell off of Blackjack" Artemis said, she was breathing really hard from her yelling. She was looking really worried, I was almost scared. She started to give me the evil eye, scratch that I AM scared.

So I did the smartest/stupidest thing I've ever done I ran from her tent and hid behind Luna, who was looking a bit surprised to say the least.

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