Anything but that

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Artemis POV

As soon as fates string hit him, the fates spoke at once and said "All hail Perseus Jackson god of wolves, swordsmanship, tides, loyalty and True love." they then turned to me and said "All hail Luna Andromeda Jackson goddess of reincarnation, second chances, and tranquility. All hail the first family of the Hunt." With that they left and mom immediately turned to me then said "Luna Andromeda Jackson you are in so much trouble, not only did you lie to me about being a minor god but you lied about knowing your father, so help me if I find out you have been keeping more secrets I'm going to let Aphrodite take you shopping for a whole week do you understand me." At that I paled I hated shopping especially shopping with Aunt Dite. Mom then turned to Percy unconscious body and said "I'll deal with you later but make no mistake we are far from done young lady." With that mom took daddy into her tent and Zoe looked at me and said "thou shalt know that Milady shall not get over thine actions with any haste." I nodded and said "yea I know, but she is the one who keep quite about who my father is and now she is mad a me for doing the same, I swear it always do as I say not as I do with her. Come to think about she lied to me first, so how the Hades am I the one in trouble?" Zoe was the one who said "nay shalt thou look hither for answer's, for it seem Milady has been struck with thee ailment thou has coined parental logic." I had to agree once mom started using parental logic all logical arguments went out the window.

Percy POV 

Ow my head I felt like I got run over by a giant. When I looked to my left I saw Artemis and let me tell you she was pissed, so trying to defuse her anger I said "what shaken bambi." this didn't even get a smile, she then said "What in the name of my father where you thinking, I just got your furry butt back and you pull this crap, agreeing to sacrifice your self not evening asking why or getting all the information, I knew you were a kelphead but seriously that had to be the single dumb....." I cut her off by kissing her at first she was surprised but then she melted into it finally after a few minutes we pulled apart and she slapped my chest and wrapped her arms around me as I did her she then said "You know this doesn't change anything right, I'm still mad at you." I said "yea I know but you have to look at it from my perspective, there is nothing I wouldn't do to keep you and my daughter safe, speaking of my daughter where is she?" Artemis then said "My guess is hiding in her room hoping I don't follow through with my threat." I raised my eye brow and said "what threat was that exactly?" She smiled and said "well she is your daughter." I shook my head "you didn't." she laughed and said "What, you both act like shopping with her is worse that going to Tartarus." I shuddered and said "Shopping with her is worse than going to Tartarus and I should know I've been there, twice." she laughed and said "don't remind me." while we were sitting there when one of the the hunters knocked on the tent and said "Milady we still don't understand what's going on can you please explain it to us?"

Still Percy POV

So Artemis got everyone including Thalia, Annabeth, Nico and Bianca (who shadow traveled back to the camp) together around the fire, she looked at me to tell them everything so I said "Well I guess I'll give you all the cliff note version of whats going, but before I do you all must swear on the Styx to not give out the information I'm going to tell you unless Artemis or I give you permission." The all nodded and swore so I continued "basically long ago I was a simi Immortal born to Poseidon Greek god of the sea and Lupa Roman goddess of wolves not to mention mother of Rome. You see I was the First of my kind Half Greek, Half Roman however the fates decided not to grant me true god hood don't ask me why, I'm still trying to find that out my self. Now I'm not going to boar you with the how, I'm just going to say Artemis caught me thinking I was a werewolf like that of Lycaon but when she found out silver did nothing to me, although the moon did make me stronger, even if could change anytime that I wanted. Now as you could have guessed she didn't trust me being a boy, even though I never did anything to hurt her or the hunters while she was chasing me, heck I even went out of my way to helped them out when they would get surrounded by mobs, which I have to say looking back still hurts." Artemis gave me and I'm sorry look but I pulled her into a hug letting her know I was okay and continued saying "the thing that finally made her trust me was when her camp got surrounded monster's, I was still in the silver cage she put me in I heard one of the younger hunter's scream, so I broke out the cage and when I looked around I saw the young huntress about to be eaten by a hellhound so I ran as fast as I could an decapitated it. As I looked around I could see they were all getting overwhelmed so I stayed in my human form and help fight off the rest of the monster's, at that moment something changed in me, you see when a wolf finds its family even if it's not by blood an instinct in them automatically marks them as pack and in my heart the hunt became my new pack. Well after the fight I could see some of the girls were scared of me seeing as when I fight for pack it isn't anything pretty. So to ease there nerves I headed back to my cage shifted back to my wolf form to and sat down. Once I did, Artemis and the rest came around me and asked why did I come back to the cage, I then shifted back to my male form and I could help the tears coming out of my eye as I said "I am now pack to a group of hunters who don't want me." I shifted back to my wolf form and put my head down in sorrow." now for those who don't know when a wolf find a pack and the pack doesn't want it they automatically become omega wolves and omega wolves are in essence sad and lonely, so I did what any other omega would do in the situation I howled out a mournful cry." I stop my story as even now I couldn't help the tears coming down my face. Before I could start again a silver wolf with auburn and black highlights came over to me and put her head in my lap. I immediately knew it was my daughter, no words need to be exchanged to show the comfort she was giving me. All of the hunt were in tears as well as Annabeth. Thalia then said "I don't understand why are you all crying?" Annabeth was the one who answer saying "We all know what happens to a wolf when it becomes an omega because a pack doesn't want it as apposed to a pack getting killed, it's like its soul is ripped out, it's the only way for a mournful howl to comes out of from there soul." Artemis then made sure to give me a genital squeeze of comfort as my daughter jumped into my lap and nestled there. so I continued saying "well much like now the hunt felt my pain and Artemis offered me a place in the hunt as master of the wolves, which I happily accepted. Even with the girls all knowing I meant no harm it still took a while but eventually all the hunters came to loved me, as this was happening my relationship with Artemis steadily grew to the point where I asked Zeus for her hand in marriage, which he agreed to, as long as I could get Lady Styx to allow it. Needless to say I did, although I'm not going to go into how but I was able to have her add in a clause in the maidens oath, that if one was to find true love and was willing to prove it was true love then vow could be broken with no consequences by said person and only said person. fast forward 1500 years later we meet that baster Orion my good for nothing half brother. He was obsessed with my wife, and because he couldn't have her lead to that whole thing about him taking advantage of a maiden, you see he was trying to frame me for doing it, but he didn't expect me to walk in on him as he was trying to do the deed. Once I saw him trying to hurt my pack and what amounted to my daughter, I went into a rage so strong that I darkened the sky with my power and it was noon at the time, we fought for what seemed like hours but was probably a few minutes. That is until Artemis came into the room, looked from me to her and he knew I had him dead to rights, so in a fit of insanity he said "if I can't have her no one can."  He then fired a god killing arrow at her, I had less than a milliseconds to decided what I should do. So used a power called replacement which switches two objects with each other and it has to be an equivalent exchange, like a person for a person but I can only do it with someone who shares my soul and my power, which happened when Artemis and I got married in the old way. When I used my power she was safe and I was on my way to the under world, I didn't even get a chance to say good bye. Once I died I was held in the under for centuries until I finally got the opportunity at reincarnation but was able to keep my old memories seeing as how I was supposed to be born a god, and since I'm a god of two pantheons the river leith doesn't work on me. Once I was reborn I spent my life biding my time honing my powers waiting for the day that I could see my love and my pack again, only to find out that mostly all of my girls are dead and I had a daughter that no one seemed to feel the need to tell me about until just now. but I guess all's well that ends well I'm a god now I got my family back and now the next time I go to camp and I beat up the other campers who talk crap about my girls people will know why." Annabeth then said "So that is why you always beat up Ares, Apollo and Aphrodite male campers and get into arguments with Thalia so much." I nodded "pretty much, I know my girls can take care of themselves but the thing is they don't have to when I'm around, I do this not only so they know that there is at least one good male out there but so they also know that no matter who they are or where they are, no matter if they been in the hunt for thousands of years or a few seconds they are loved and protected, just like any real father who isn't a useless male is supposed to do." I laughed and said "although I argue with Thalia because she is my cousin and is sometimes annoying." said person did the very mature thing and blew raspberry at me. well everyone I think it's time we all headed for bed it's been a long day and tomorrow I have to get to know all my new daughters and my biological daughter." they all said "awwwwww" at the said time but before I could say anything a huge roar was heard so I said "well looks like were gonna have to rain check bed time for now." As we all got up a familiar voice said "hello brother." I started to growl and said only one word "Orion!"                   

And that is it for the chapter hope you like it I made it extra long because it's been a long time since my last update so until next time 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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