(6) Arrow To My Heart?

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You wanted to either bang your head against the refrigerator, or crawl into a hole and literally die. Of all the times Aran had to see you, it had to be when you looked like the live action Fiona.

This totally crushed all your hopes of him seeing you for the first time. The expectation in your head was almost as if it was like a movie. He would be shocked at seeing you, an arrow shooting through his heart when you smiled at him. But the expectation was totally different. Sure, he was shocked.

Not in the good way though.

In reality—the first time he saw you; You were sweaty, smelly, and basically in desperate need of a shower.

"Ohh, Y/N." Aran's mouth made an "o" shape once he realized who you were.

You laughed awkwardly, trying to ignore the fact that you literally scared the boy. "Yeahh, it's me." You replied, looking to the side before muttering to yourself. "really wish it wasn't."

The boy didn't hear, as he tried to continue the conversation. "I didn't know you came to Japan," he spoke, walking over to the kitchen island and taking a seat. "Weren't you here last spring break?"

You nodded in acknowledgement, another awkward laugh coming from you as you shrugged. "I was." you answered, not wanting to continue this conversation for too long. "I just got here yesterday."

The boy nodded, "that's cool." He said.

You gave him a tight smile, "Yup. Really

With nothing left to talk about, the room got pretty quiet.  You wanted to cringe at the awkward silence awaiting both of you. Truth be told, you were never much the social person. You waited for people to speak to you rather than starting a conversation up yourself. But in this kind of situation, one of you had to speak.

"So," You started up again, turning to look at the boy as you quickly caught his attention. "You're looking for Osamu?"

The boy nodded, turning to look over at the staircase. "He said he'd help make lunch for some family comin over today."

You smiled with amusement at his words. Besides volleyball, Osamu had a hobby for not only eating, but making food. You would never forget waking up at 3 am by a spam of snaps from the boy trying to send you his home made food reviews. When you thought about it, it was kinda sweet of him to do that for his friend.

You opened your mouth to speak again, just as you were about to talk, the sound of someone's footsteps down the stairs interrupted you.

Yeesh, speak of the devil.

Osamu obviously had no clue what you guys were talking about, only blurting out once he saw you both together. "Sorry! I was grabbing my stuff." He called out, "hopeIdidn'tinteruptanycouplebonding-"

"-Bonding what?" Aran raised his eyebrow, genuinely confused. Your smile was strained, as you fought the urge to not roundhouse kick your cousin. At this point, he was just placing the cherry on top to everything that just happened.

"Bonding? I heard... modeling." You lied through your teeth at Aran's words before Osamu could even consider trying to clarify.

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