Beowulf, Demons, and Geryon Oh My!

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IDK why I named it that for christ's sake I'm tired. Enjoy the chapter.
Dante's pov

I walked in the water filled cavern with my e/c eyed ally and walked to a spot where I placed the stone mask I had picked up. "Hmph. Maybe you aren't as dumb as Vergil said." The girl suddenly said which made me double take a little. "Pfft. The look on your face, I was just kidding. He would never tell anyone that, even though he was probably thinking it." I glared a bit, but she helped me when several demons jumped us, shooting them all down easily.

"We don't have time for this. We have to stop your brother from undoing the seal." She told me as two red magic locks covered the doors and spider demons appeared. "You wanna fight? Well, be prepared because I fight rough." She said and combined her guns and scythe to form a gun scythe. "Mwah. Bye bye little spider." She said, while pulling me through the unblocked door. "What happened to your fear of bugs?" I asked, she turned to me, "I don't consider spiders bugs. Centipedes are a whole nother story though, same with cockroaches and locusts."

"Put it in." She said and I kicked around the power source, spiking it into the proper place causing the elevator to gain power. "Lady!" She exclaimed when said woman tried to shoot me. "Vergil killed him, Lady." She told her after Lady told us she was that man's daughter. "He's half demon, sweetheart. Don't get it mixed up." She smiled and Lady said, "Shut it Dema." Dema smiled and walked away leaving me to follow.

"So, your name is Dema?" I asked and she replied, "Yep, the name's Dema. Now, let's go find Vergil. If my hunch is right, Arkham has thrown him under the bus." She separated the scythe and her guns, helping me against some scarab like demons surrounded by mist. "Bugs like you deserve this death." She had muttered as we fought, stopping once we neared the door we needed to get through.

"Little help?" I asked once we had gotten on this monorail like platform. She nodded, aiming and shooting down all the demons she could without hitting me. Finally, the thing stopped, allowing us to get off. "Beowulf!" She said when I tried to take this orb and a bear, tiger, dragon hybrid demon dropped down. "Those stenches. Saitiri you bastard!" He'd yelled at her and to me, "You reek of Sparda the traitor!!" He attacked both of us, and I watched as she used some of her power and transformed into this:

 Saitiri you bastard!" He'd yelled at her and to me, "You reek of Sparda the traitor!!" He attacked both of us, and I watched as she used some of her power and transformed into this:

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Her hair turned blonde and her eyes turned a light pink. "Bring it." She said readying herself for a fight. Beowulf charge at her, swiping and hurling himself with savage force. She was only hit once by a hand strike, and delivered back all the strikes with three times as much force. "Down puppy!" She yelled and slashed at its thick hide, making noticeable slash marks and injuring the already battle scarred behemoth of a demon.

She kept striking and eventually switched to energy projectiles mad of light, that greatly damaged and temporarily blinded Beowulf. "Bad doggies like you need punishment to learn obedience!!" She yelled and infused her blades strapped to both forearms with light energy, making her strikes and slashes do even more lasting damage to the dragon sized demon that howled in pain each time. "Eat this!!" She yelled and took out it's one working eye with a savage slash.

Angel? Meets Demon [Devil May Cry 3] [Dante x Reader] [Book 1] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now