Let's Invade Hell!

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I walked around the destroyed room, until I found Beowulf and picked up the weapons. After that, I began trying to find a way up to save Dema, and Lady from Arkham. "This'll work." I said one I found a way up the large glowing structure that clown raised. "....D-dante...." I heard Dema's weak voice echoing in my head, 'Are you okay?' She weakly replied, "I-I...can't see anything...because I can't raise my head. He keeps my wounds from healing all the way.. Somthing about my mixed blood being a better offer than Lady's." She explained rather quickly, pain evident in her voice.

'I'm on my way, so you and Lady just hang tight!' I told her but got no response as I tore up the last of these statues demons, and then I walked through a door and back the way I came a couple hours earlier. "Grrrgh. Why can't there just be an elevator up?" I growled in frustration as I rode the monorail thing again, tearing through the demons as I approached my destination. 'This is so annoying...I need to get there now!' I thought as I slashed through statue and reaper demons, my movements powered by my annoyance towards being deterred in my quest to save Dema.

It took a bit, but a motorcycle I found allowed me to ride up the side of the tower with ease, making my rescue attempt all the more faster. "Woohooo!" I called out as I dodged rubble used the bike to take out some scythe demons that attacked until I broke it. "Well, there goes that plan." I said as I walked away throwing the handle bars away behind me. I walked up some stairs and arrived at the gate. "Dante....I.....help...." Dema struggled to say to me which fuelled my urgency to get through the gate.

"What now?" I asked as a white glowing feathered statue with and electric trident attacked me. "Nice try, but your aim needs work." I taunted and slashed through its wings to reach the statue within. "About time." I said as the red barrier on the door broke allowing me passage into a room where I had to fight giant spiders again. I hacked and slashed through them quickly and walked through into a room. I headed down some stairs and activated an energy source, then I went to where I found the second and activated that one.

I walked into a new room filled with gears and fought the blood demon birds that attacked. "Grrgh.." I growled a little as I was faced with opposition in the form of spiky shielded drill demons in the next room. 'Dema, can you hear me?' I asked and got a weak, "....Please.....hurry.....Da...nt...e.." my eyes widened in alarm at the sound of her decreasing state, and I began to rush even more. "Turn on already!" I shouted as I slashed at an energy Source switch to no avail, as I needed an Orihalcon to activate the remaining switches.

"..Sh..ar..ds.." I heard her weakly calm to me, and I understood. "So it's been split into shards.. I'll just have to gather them." I gathered the Orihalcon shards and finally places them in a door I found, allowing me passage upwards even further.
Your pov

I watched from my position on the ground as Arkham activated the ritual, opening the gate to hell. "...mmghmm.." I muttered sending Dante was close. "....Arkham..." I muttered as my D/T power gradually took over from the effect of the gate opening. "You shall pay!!" My voice boomed, distorted from my D/T power taking over, pushing my body to heal itself to fight him. "Your blood will stain this ground." I smirked and charged at him, my physical scythe and several magic copies floating behind me.

"Rrraggghh!!" I grow out and slashes at his body which healed faster because he was attempting to absorb the dark energy around us. "You cannot win. Foolish girl, you shall die here as I become the ruler of hell and beyond!!" He stabbed me through the chest with divine magic infused vines, paralyzing and halting my movements. "Kggghherfphh..." I exclaimed as I saw a figure run up, his coat a sexy red. The figure dissipated and more vines stabbed through me, when the retracted I lay on the ground a bloody mess.

Angel? Meets Demon [Devil May Cry 3] [Dante x Reader] [Book 1] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now