Banishing the Darkness

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"So, let's end this freakshow. Shall we?" Dema asked me and rushed forwards slicing through all the demons in our path with her scythe. "Wait for me! Can't let you have all the fun!" I replied and helped her by shooting them down so she could end them. She smirked and smashed the mirrors around us, allowing us to move onward. "Who said this was fun?" She jested at me as we walked up a path and obtained a Samsara. "Race you!" She suddenly yelled running through the portal, and disappearing up the winding and endless staircases.

"Up here!" She shouted and I raced to her as she jumped into a portal. "Through here!" I heard her warped voice on the other end of a portal and jumped through, as we were both faced with a door. "It all come down to this. Let's go." We walked in and Arkham tried to stab Dema. "You're nothing more than a ninety-nine cent knock off." She told him and he began chuckling, "You can still talk big after seeing this?" He morphed into a purple shapeless mass, and I began hacking at him with Rebellion while Dema used her scythe, Wicked Demise to help.

"Arghh!!" She cried out as a purple glow surrounded her, "Get out...of!!!" She yelled as Arkham roared in pain from being forcefully ejected from her mind. "Vergil!" Dema exclaimed as he jumped down and swooped her up, "Sorry I...took so long." He told her and put her aside as we fought Arkham together. "So..what's your relationship with Dema?" I casually asked my brother as we fought, "She's my on/off girlfriend. Jealous?" He replied, and I slashed Arkham harder, "Not at all!" I forced out making my brother smirk.

"We're off right now, so ask her." He said as we knocked him down. "Now!" Dema shouted as we exchanged swords and hacked Arkham to pieces. "Remember what we used to say?" I asked and we aimed our guns, "Jackpot." Both of us said as Arkham died. "He was never classy in the first place." Dema told us after she jumped through the hole left by Arkham's defeat to grab my amulet for me.

I jumped after her with Vergil, and caught her as we landed. "Thanks, but no thanks." She said and pushed me away, "See ya, Vergie." She said as she grew bat like wings, and her hair turned black, "I have another date to keep." She said and flew off, leaving Vergil and I to battle it out. "I need more power. Twins...right." Vergil said as we charged forwards, and clashed the ringing of our swords as the music.
Narrator pov

In the end, one one brother remained, that brother was the one clad in red after the one clad in blue chose to stay in the demon realm. "Dema...I'm coming." Dante muttered as he made it back to see Lady with Dema. "She needs Kalina Ann back." She explained, as Dante approached her, "They'll be back soon, very soon. In the meantime..." he approached her, only for her to pull away, "Not now. Maybe some other time." Dema flew off with her hair a black void, and left Dante and Lady to clean up the rest of the demons.

'Next time, will be different. Next time, I really will tell him.... ...Dante... For now, let's live.' The h/c h/l teen decided and flew even faster, the only thing she left behind for Dante, being a white feather and a black feather. 'Until next time, Dante.'
The End

Bye - Grace.

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